17 June 2012

Elijah's World

As I was looking through my posts, I realized that I had an awful lot of photos and not a whole lot about what is new with Elijah, his milestones, etc! My hope for this blog is to share photos with everyone but I also want it to be a place where family and friends can go to and see what is new with our family and how Elijah is doing! So let me catch you up for the past few weeks.......

First things first. A few weeks ago I let my amazing boss at the Westin know that Chip and I have made an important (and not easy) decision. I will be a stay at home Mom.  I was so happy and excited that we were able to do this for Elijah and potentially any other children we may have.  It is an amazing gift that we can give Elijah and that Chip has given to me through his hard work and dedication.  I am not going back to work.   It was more difficult to to say those words to my incredible boss, Lori, than I thought it would be. (actually I offered to go back two weeks following maternity leave but we decided there was really no point since I had already turned over all my work before I left) At the Westin, I had found kindness, support and acceptance that was such a blessing for me at 4 months pregnant. My incredible co-workers and boss made the remainder of my pregnancy so much easier. But I know we have made the right decision and as the weeks have passed, I have come to realize that staying home, I am able to give Elijah everything that I wanted for him.

 Elijah is exclusively breastfed and doing so well with it! He is at almost 13 lbs and only 7 weeks old! He is thriving better than I could have hoped for! Elijah is already able to stand when I give help with balance and has been doing this for two weeks. All I have to do is hold his hands and he is able to push his weight to a standing position! It is incredible. He is close to rolling over now. He had been holding his head up since he was born but his strength is increasing every day and we are not far from being able to sit in the bumbo!

  I am babywearing, which is awesome. I have a number of different carriers that I use for different situations. Elijah loves being worn but (ever his mother's child) doesn't like to feel too restrained so when I wear him at home, we do take breaks so he can stretch and wiggle. He was not a swaddle guy, though I did try that with him.  But he likes being able to move his arms and legs freely.

He LOVES to ride in the car and is completely content to gaze out the window as we ride around town.  He is an excellent traveler and has enjoyed to trips to San Antonio already.  Most of the time, Elijah basically sleeps through the night, waking only once or twice very briefly for a quick five to ten minute "snack". Of course, sometimes sleeping "through the night" means from eight pm until four am.

I know every parent thinks their child is "amazing" , "special", "gifted". I am no different.I am so in love with this little boy, and the man that made him with me. :) This is such a special time in our lives and I cherish every moment. I am thrilled that Elijah is so healthy, strong and smart and I am excited to see what surprises lay ahead for us with him!  Of course, I would also LOVE to slow down time and keep him this little for a while.

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