25 June 2012

Elijah Rolls Over

Elijah has hit another milestone. He can now roll over! The first time it happened was the day before his two month birthday at 5:30 in the morning. We were laying in bed after our morning feeding and I put him on his belly to practice.  He is in the best mood in the morning and so I knew this would be the perfect time to try.  After only a couple of tries, he was onto his back! Later on in the morning, I caught it on film for Daddy and to share with the rest of our family. I can't believe how fast he is growing! My boy can already stand with help! I cannot believe at two months he has already hit these milestones. Time is flying by so fast and he is learning so quickly. His verbal communication is continuing to progress at light speed. I keep hearing him say MaMaMaMa...though I know he is not saying Mama, it is great to hear him experiment with speech already!

Elijah is such a happy baby. He smiles all the time and lets out little. breathy laughs. It just melts my heart when he looks at me and sends that big, toothless grin my way.

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