26 June 2012

Two Months Old!

 I can't believe Elijah is already two months old!  It seems like just yesterday I was waddling around Houston with my belly sticking out, counting the days until he arrived.  It seems like ages ago that I was hoping and praying to be pregnant. And now, here he is, two months old! Such an amazing blessing and sweet boy!  He is growing so fast. At his two month doctor's appointment, he was 13 pounds, 12 ounces and 24.5 inches! 90th percentile all around. He is a growing boy and has put on 5 pounds, 6 ounces and 2.5 inches since birth!  He is continuing to pretty much sleep through the night. He now rolls over on one side and can sit in his bumbo (sort of). It is still a little big for him but he has the head control to pull it off. He loves to stand.  In fact, when he gets fussy, sometimes letting him stand is all it takes to calm him down. He is building such strong legs!  He had his first vaccine at the doctor's office yesterday and the Nurse Practitioner commented on his strong his legs were!

We are doing an alternate vaccine schedule and skipping some of the shots that we and our doctor feel are unnecessary so Elijah only had to have one yesterday. He was not thrilled but was a very brave boy and has shown no signs of any side effects.  His first seven months of life he has one shot a month starting this month. Then he gets a break until one year old.

Elijah and I have pretty much figured out our "groove". It is not as easy to get things done at home at this point but I hope that as he gets older, I will get more done throughout my day.  Right now we spend a lot of our days nursing, cuddling and working on Elijah's development though tummy time, standing time,  music and little games we play. We have started to read a little bit as well.  I am so proud of my little man and how he is flourishing.
Two months old! Getting so big!

It looks like he is giving Mr. Bear a kiss but he was really sucking on the side of his head. 

"Mom, I would like to introduce you to my dear friend, Mr. Bear"

Such a big boy sitting in the glider all by himself

I just love those beautiful blue eyes

"Hey Ma! Look at me rocking my bumbo!"

Just a couple of weeks ago, he could not steady himself in his bumbo!

Bonnie wanted to make sure he was ok

Standing man!

"Mommy, I am coming to get YOU!"

"I'm having too much fun to roll over now"

Love Love Love this baby!

25 June 2012

Elijah Rolls Over

Elijah has hit another milestone. He can now roll over! The first time it happened was the day before his two month birthday at 5:30 in the morning. We were laying in bed after our morning feeding and I put him on his belly to practice.  He is in the best mood in the morning and so I knew this would be the perfect time to try.  After only a couple of tries, he was onto his back! Later on in the morning, I caught it on film for Daddy and to share with the rest of our family. I can't believe how fast he is growing! My boy can already stand with help! I cannot believe at two months he has already hit these milestones. Time is flying by so fast and he is learning so quickly. His verbal communication is continuing to progress at light speed. I keep hearing him say MaMaMaMa...though I know he is not saying Mama, it is great to hear him experiment with speech already!

Elijah is such a happy baby. He smiles all the time and lets out little. breathy laughs. It just melts my heart when he looks at me and sends that big, toothless grin my way.

17 June 2012

Happy Father's Day

  Today was a very special Father's Day for us. Elijah and I had some surprises in store for Daddy! He has really wanted to feed Elijah but I have not been ready to allow Elijah to have pumped milk from a bottle.  However,  I thought today would be the perfect day for this "first". Elijah was wide awake at 6am and so we crept downstairs and thawed out 5oz (Out of the 200 I have stored in my deep freezer!).  Then we went upstairs and woke up Chip. He was so surprised and excited! Elijah was very hungry and didn't seem to mind (at first) that he was not being fed from the soft flesh he is used to. However, as his tummy began to lose it's extreme hunger, he became less interested in the bottle and more willing to wait for something better.  It makes me very happy that Chip had this experience and that we know, in desperate times, Elijah WILL take a bottle for at least an ounce or two. I am glad that he prefers Mommy's milk directly from the source though. 
Yay! Daddy's first feeding!

"Hmmm....I'm not sure about this"

"I love getting morning time with my Daddy"

"I'm such a morning boy, always full of smiles!"

"I"m getting the hang of this bottle thing"

"Time to stretch my legs and work my muscles!"

"I am such a strong boy"
After Elijah had his breakfast, Mommy surprised Daddy with a full Sunday breakfast for two...with one small observer! We had scrambled eggs, biscuits (a special treat for Daddy), watermelon and Daddy had apple chicken sausage. It was a fantastic breakfast feast!

Yummy breakfast for two

Elijah joined us at the table in his bouncy....normally he joins us while Mommy is wearing him but since it was Father's Day, I thought Daddy might want to look at his amazing baby boy while he eats. 

My boys!
After we finished breakfast, we headed to church with Grandma and  Granddad. There was a fabulous service where the preacher discussed what is means to be a man and a father and that being the head of the family is a big responsibility.  The head of OUR family does a great job! He takes very good care of us, works hard and shows us love and affection every chance he gets. We are very lucky to have him. (He is lucky to have us too!) After the service went went outside and took some Father's Day photos. 

Two of the coolest guys I know

Hollywood Family!

I love these two so much!

We are so blessed

Three generations of Parish men 

Proud Grandma!

I love watching Grandma shower Elijah with love and kisses!
Elijah wore a very special outfit for father's day. Mom Parish had saved a bunch of Chip's baby and toddler clothes and gave them to us the weekend of his Christening. The firs thing he fit into is this fabulous little white outfit! My little boy looks just like his Daddy and Granddad!

"I look just like my Daddy!"

"Mommy, what are you doing way over there?"

That is the sweetest face in the world!

Cute boy

"Ok can you please hold me now"
His Daddy loves him so much!
After our little photo shoot,  Elijah changed into the perfect Father's Day outfit!

Elijah is showing off his disco moves
Grandma prepared a fabulous lunch that we all enjoyed and had red velvet cupcakes from Trader Joe's for dessert! After lunch, we Elijah and Mommy took a much needed nap! When we got up, it was present time. Chip had gotten Granddad an Ole Miss desk set that he was SO EXCITED to give him. He got one for himself as well and had been holding on to Granddad's for a month and we very tempted to give it to him early.  Mommy and Elijah bought Daddy a new case for his Iphone with a picture of Elijah on it. Unfortunately it has not yet arrived (Even though I ordered it a month ago....Grrr...) But we told Daddy about it and he is very excited!

Chip received black socks from Mom and Dad Parish. It was a joke between them about how they had given his grandfather socks as a gift and handed them to him saying "Open your socks"

Daddy is opening his first father's day card from Elijah

Elijah was more interested in practicing his standing

I just can't stop showering our sweet baby with kisses!

Dad and Henry open their card from us. 

Elijah was still a little tired. I am sure next year he will be more interested in the festivities

Perfect for this Ole Miss family

This is the phone cover we ordered for Daddy. (Of course his had Elijah's picture on it) It will be here this week!

More sweet moments with Grandma before we head home

"Grandma loves me so much!"

"This hand is delicious"

Home sweet home. 

The perfect end to a wonderful Father's Day.