25 April 2017

It's Not Always Easy

Shine it on. Be the bigger person. If they are being hurtful it is because they are hurting. Blah blah blah. And you know what, in most cases that can fly. But not when it concerns my children. With my children, I will never again be forced to sit quietly, not saying a word, while someone else crosses carefully thought out, laid boundaries. Blogging about it may seem petty. But in this situation, unfortunately, there is little else I can do. Except hope that the next time this happens, and believe me, it will happen again, a united front is presented and what was decided by myself and their father, to be the best thing for OUR children, will be forced to be honored and protected.

It boggles my  mind that anyone, especially people who count themselves as "Christians" can be disrespectful and malicious. And it drives pain and fear into my core that these are influences that will be in my children's lives for the unforeseeable future. In the last ten years and especially the last year, I have seen what evil they are capable of. And I guess I just need to trust in God to protect my babies and help them see the TRUTH.

The truth is that I open my home and heart to all that love my children but I will not allow myself as their mother and protector, to be excluded. It was one thing to do that when there were no children. This is a different story.

So, here is your free pass. Enjoy it. It WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN!

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