16 April 2017

An Easter Celebration

What a wonderful Easter weekend for our family. I thankfully had Good Friday off so I was able to begin Easter preparations and decided to keep Elijah home with me to help and for some good Mama time. However I did not want him to miss his Easter party at school so he and I headed up there together in the afternoon in plenty of time for their egg hunt and festivities!

 I loved getting to see Elijah interact with his little friends and show off their Easter basket creations! 
 My sweet creative boy and his bunny rabbit. 
 My favorite moment of the day was Elijah standing with his friends waiting for the teacher to give them the go ahead to collect the eggs and he spotted this sparkly purple one (which he referred to as purple gold) and he yelled over to me that he was going to get that one for me. As soon as the teacher said they could go, that was the first one he grabbed and came running over and put it in my hand saying, "That one's for you Mama" then went about his hunt. I love that boy and his oversized heart. 

Great job on the egg collecting Elijah! What a great day together!

Tony wanted to start the tradition of planting jelly beans because rumor has it, if you plant jelly beans, lollipops will grow!

 Rory is all set to plant his beans!
 Elijah and his colorful beans!
Patrick is ready to do some planting
 Tony dug the holes....
 and carefully showed the boys how to bury the beans. 
 Rory was very excited about it all. 
Such cute little monkeys
After the beans were planted, the boys were ready for bed so the Easter bunny could come!
Tony and I peaked outside late at night and saw the lollipops (and one slim jim!) already sprouting. 

Easter Morning we had a house FULL of bunnies!

 Wrigley Bunny
 Mia Bunny
 Mama Bunny
 Patrick rebelling against the bunny
 Elijah bunny
Rory Bunny 

The Easter Bunny came!

 Elijah showing Tony his loot

 Rory overjoyed by the marshmallows. There may have been a game of chubby bunny that followed. 
 Patrick loved his new sunglasses
 They ditched the bunny ears, put on the sunglasses and went outside to check to see what grew from their jelly beans. 

 Look at all that candy!
Patrick enjoyed his first sour crybaby experience. Apparently, he is not a crybaby and enjoyed the entire candy. 
Rory found the sour taste hilarious

Our Easter celebration continued as we headed over to the Crochet's for lunch, an egg hunt and some family fun. 

 Mama snuck in some Rory cuddles during the unveiling of the baskets put together by Miss Melba and Mister Randy. 
 Tony showed the twins how the kaleidoscope egg worked. So cool. 
 A mama and her boys. 
 Elijah and Mister Randy enjoying the day. 
 No words. Just...no words. 
 The twins loved their Easter baskets. 
Elijah was fascinated by his kaleidoscope

 Can't even put into words how happy he makes me. 
 This is a pretty accurate depiction of how this impromptu photo shoot went. 
 Tony thought it would be funny to pose prom style. 
 Tony's adorable nephew Brady who just turned one! 
 Rory in his favorite seat. 
 How did I get so lucky?
By far the best shot of the give of us. At least all our faces are visible.
Elijah with Tony's nephew and Elijah's new buddy, Cam!
 Time to hunt some eggs!
 Patrick carefully placing his eggs in his basket. 
 Patrick bunny!

 Tony's niece, Maddie, did a great job keeping up with the boys in the hunt for eggs. 
 Brady just taking it all in...
 Tony bunny!
 Cam spotted one under the playhouse.
 Shawna bunny!
 That's my Elijah. The eggs knocked him off his feet in his new "Tony shoes" that the Easter bunny brought. 

Rory taking care of business. 
The Crochets
This year my kids learned about the fabulous mexican tradition of cascarones which are eggs filled with confetti. Needless to say it was a hit.  
 Tony's brother, Ryan, smashing his head with a cascarone 

Miss Melba got Patrick!

 I have a feeling Tony was excited about doing this all day. 

Maddie and her Mama both got egged!

Elijah ADORES Tony's brother in law, Houston, He managed to get him with an egg...on his back...three times. 

 Brady is one laid back baby
 The clothes came off and the boys were ready to jump in the pool and play on the playhouse! Rory is doing some serious rock climbing. 
 The kids had a blast in the pool!
 Patrick and Maddie have quickly become playmates at Crochet family gatherings. 
 The Walkers including Baby walker, AKA "Juan Hector" in the oven. 

 Rory ready to jump in the pool in his skivvies. Yes we packed their suits. No, we did not remember to grab the bag. So it was and underwear swimming kind of day. 
 Rory learning how to play lawn darts. 
 Playhouses are for big kids too!
This little girl looooooves her grandmother. 

 These too!
 Pure joy. 
 Tony spraying the boys down with sunscreen. 
"Excuse me waiter, can we get a donut for the lady" 
 Elijah was all about the pool!
 Two little monkeys...and one big one. 
 Yup, that's my Tony. 
 Elijah showing off his gymnastics skills. 

What a fabulous celebration of family and faith. Thank you to Melba and Randy for hosting such a wonderful Easter celebration and showing Elijah, Rory and Patrick such love and generosity. What a beautiful and memorable Easter. 

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