28 April 2017

Elijah's Five Year Update

I simply cannot believe it has been five years since I first laid eyes on this precious boy with the biggest heart of anyone I have ever known. Elijah coming into this world healed so much in me. And it has been my priority to raise him in a loving, understanding, supportive and secure home. Things often happen, and did happen, that were out of my control to shake that security, especially in the last year. But through it all, Elijah has shown strength and character beyond his years. He expresses himself and his feelings, when prompted, clearly even when he doesn't fully understand his feelings and why he is having them. He has a way to explain what is going on in that little heart of his in such a way that you feel it with him. Empathy is the path to understanding. And Elijah shows empathy. He will tear up when his brothers are hurt or sad. He come over and give his Mama a hug when she's having a rough day. He is just an amazing little boy and I am beyond humbled that God chose me to be his Mama.
Elijah loves people. He talks to everyone....EVERYONE. He will go up to children at the playground or wherever we are and ask them to play with him. He will hold intelligent conversations with adults asking inquisitive questions without any sense of inferiority. He is confident and friendly. He loves Star Wars (which I love), Transformers (which I am not thrilled about) and his latest favorite is the Ghostbuster Cartoon on Netflix. Not educational but super nostalgic to share that with him. He has a passion for music (loves the guitar and drums) and being outside. One of his favorite things is to help Mama cook in the kitchen. He especially likes controlling the handmixer.
His favorite color is still blue. His favorite food is pretty much Pizza. (Sigh. I remember when his favorite food was broccoli). He loves for Mama to sing to him before he goes to sleep and lately the request has been My Favorite Things from The Sound of Music and All My Loving by the Beatles. He LOVES going to "Tony's Farms" to do "man work" and see the cows. And, well he's a boy, he loves that he gets to pee outside there.  He is very excited about getting back into soccer and maybe even gymnastics if we can afford to do both. This summer, he will take a cram course in swimming and self rescue because this boy loves the water.
Elijah adores his little brothers...most of the time. With three little boys so close in age there is bound to be a bit of adversity. But most of the time, they play together so nicely. They share everything...food, toys (maybe toys not as well as food). The thing they do fight over is Mama time. But we usually manage for each boy to get some every day they are home.
Much to my dismay, Elijah started going to day care this year. And while it is not the life in envisioned for my children, he loves his friends and often is excited to go to "school". He will be starting Kindergarten next year and can't wait. He is always eager to try new things. I am very protective of his tender heart. I know how hard this world can be and I want to preserve his caring, sweet soul, especially in these early years when that foundation is still being built.
It has been a magical five years, beginning from the first moment I saw the two pink lines on the test and Lisa at HFI called me confirming YOU ARE PREGNANT. My world changed from that moment on and it was even better than I dreamed. You are an amazing little boy. Thank you for all the light and color your bring to our home. You are special. I love you.


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