14 June 2015

Elijah and Mama's Disney Music Date

Part of our philosophy of attachment parenting our kids, especially as they get older, is getting one on one time with each individual child. I had been doing this with Elijah mostly through trips to the grocery store and while this was always fun for him, I was not able to totally focus on him like I wanted and so mama and son date night was born. My goal is to have a date night with each child at least once a month but Elijah had two this month because I just happened to have to opportunities for activities that were right up his alley and perfect for him. Last week we had a dinner and ceramics night thanks to a Groupon that popped up that this week, we attended a FREE Disney Convert put on by the Houston Symphony. Since Elijah had just been to Disneyland, a lot of these characters and songs were fresh in his mind and several were already favorites of his, like Frozen and The Little Mermaid. We had such an amazing time together enjoying two of our favorite loves, music and Disney! He was the perfect gentleman and told me several times throughout the night that I was beautiful and a princess. (My little charmers) He also (shyly) told another little girl sitting next to us that she was beautiful. I love my swoonworthy little boy. He is going to be one heck of a man one day. The show started at 8pm and we arrived early so we could enjoy the yummy food, free ice cream and neat booths they were offering as pre show entertainment. I had planned on leaving after the first Act since it would already be way past Elijah's bed time but when I saw how much fun he was having and I saw that the Frozen music was last, I knew we would stay for the whole thing. And it was SO WORTH IT! He sang along. He danced. He laughed. He made friends with the children around us. It was an awesome night for us both. 

Mama and her handsome boy heading out for our date!

We parked in the blue lot which was FREE parking! 

It was quite a trek but we enjoyed our little walk!\

First snack of the night.....a GIANT soft pretzel. He is a Philly boy at heart!

Elijah LOVES Ariel and kept asking if Ariel would be here. I asked him if he wanted to go to the see the characters and he kept saying no. When he finally said he wanted to go, we saw that Ariel was among them and we were both SO EXCITED! However we went to the back of the line and they had closed it. I'm not sure why they closed it so early. It wasn't really that long and we were both really bummed. Only bummer of an otherwise awesome evening. 

We did get the chance to meet some Frozen friends!

There was a booth right up our alley that had a ton of percussion instruments to try out! Elijah was totally game!

This clapping device was by far his favorite!

Pure joy. 

My little musician

Little Drummer Boy. 
Best kind of ice cream (besides dairy free) is FREE FREE!

Enjoying a rare treat of real ice cream!

So is Mama!

He was made for dancing!

This boy loves to dance!

Elijah recently received his very own camera as a gift! We took his camera and used it for our date photos! Here are the pictures Elijah himself took! He is my little budding photographer!

The girl behind me is the one Elijah told she was beautiful. <3

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