29 June 2015

Gluten/Dairy Free Cinnamon Raisin Bread (machine)


1 Cup Raisins (prep them by covering them in a microwavable bowl with water, heating for 30 seconds. Let stand for five minutes. Dry them and toss them with potato starch.

3 large eggs

1/4 cup Olive Oil

1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar

3 Tbsp honey

2/3 tsp salt

1 1/2 cups brown rice flour

1 1/2 cups potato starch

1 cup almond milk

1 Tbsp xanthan gum

2 1/4 tsp dry yeast

3 Tbsp melted Earth Balance

3 Tbsp brown sugar

2 tsp cinnamon


Prep the raisins per the above instructions. Put eggs, oil, dry ingredients (except brown sugar) , raisins, earth balance, almond milk and brown sugar in the pan in that order. If you have a yeast dispenser put the yeast in there, if not the yeast will go on top. Bake per your bread machine’s settings. Mine has a setting for multigrain (which I find works well with gluten free flours) and raisin so I bake on those two settings.

24 June 2015

Disneyland 2015 Elijah, Granmumsy & Pop Video Montage

I thought it would be fun for Elijah to have a video to remember his trip to Disneyland! What a magical vacation it was for him with his grandparents and Aunt Shula~!

22 June 2015

Savory Sweet Potato Chip Dip!

This was first coined as imitation nacho cheese. Although it has the appearance of nacho cheese, it does not taste like it so I renamed it so it is not misleading. It is still quite yummy thought and goes great with chips!



  • 1 medium sweet potato, peeled and diced into ½ to 1 inch cubes
  • ¼ cup coconut milk
  • 3 tbsp. nutritional yeast flakes
  • 3 tbsp. olive oil (or other vegetable oil)
  • 2 tbsp. soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice
  • ½ - 1 tbsp. sriracha
  • ½ tsp. garlic powder
  • ¼ tsp. salt

Boil the sweet potato for 15 min or until it is very soft. Put all ingredients in a high power blender and blend for two minutes. Enjoy!

17 June 2015

Gluten/Dairy Free Peanut Butter and Jelly Cupcakes

Gluten Free Grain-Free P B & J Cupcakes Recipe


4 eggs – separated
Pinch salt
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
¾ cup creamy peanut butter
3 tablespoons flavorless vegetable oil
1 teaspoon gluten-free vanilla extract
½ cup ground almonds (almond meal)
1 teaspoon baking soda
¼ cup of good quality strawberry jam


I’m still playing with the amounts but start with the following then play with it until you get the right consistency.

2 1/2 cups powdered sugar

splash of dairy free milk

2 Tbsp Palm Shortening

1 Tsp Vanilla

6 Tbsp Jam or Preserves


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare cupcake/muffin pan with paper muffin liners.

With electric mixer on high speed, whip egg whites with salt and cream of tartar until soft peaks appear. With mixer running, add sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, until stiff peaks form.

In a clean bowl beat the egg yolks with the peanut butter, vegetable oil and vanilla extract with the mixer until very smooth. Add the ground almonds and baking soda. Mix well. Add the beaten egg whites and mix with a spatula or spoon until batter is no longer streaky.

Put about 2 scant tablespoons of batter in the bottom of each prepared muffin cup. Add 1 teaspoon of jam to each cupcake and top with remaining batter.

Bake for 20 – 25 minutes until the cupcakes have risen, are golden brown and springy to the touch.

Cool on a rack until completely cooled before frosting.


In the bowl of an electric mixer blend together the all ingredients on low speed then gradually increase. Taste and play with it until it gets to a nice thick and spreadable consistency.

Best Gluten Free Bread Recipe!

This is by far the best recipe I have come across. The ingredients are from this site:



1 Cup White Rice Flour

1 Cup Brown Rice Flour

1/2 Cup of Potato Starch

1/2 Cup of Tapioca Starch

1 Egg (well beaten)

2 Cups Warm Water

3 Tsp. Yeast3 Tsp. Guar or Xanthan Gum

1 1/2 Tsp. Salt

2/3 Cups Olive or Grapeseed Oil

1/4 Cup Sugar

But I didn’t follow their directions. Instead layered the ingredients dry on the bottom except sugar and yeast followed by the liquid with water last and then sugar. I have a yeast dispenser so I put the yeast in that but if you do not have yeast dispenser then put in on the very top. Bake on Whole Wheat setting if you have different settings.

14 June 2015

Elijah and Mama's Disney Music Date

Part of our philosophy of attachment parenting our kids, especially as they get older, is getting one on one time with each individual child. I had been doing this with Elijah mostly through trips to the grocery store and while this was always fun for him, I was not able to totally focus on him like I wanted and so mama and son date night was born. My goal is to have a date night with each child at least once a month but Elijah had two this month because I just happened to have to opportunities for activities that were right up his alley and perfect for him. Last week we had a dinner and ceramics night thanks to a Groupon that popped up that this week, we attended a FREE Disney Convert put on by the Houston Symphony. Since Elijah had just been to Disneyland, a lot of these characters and songs were fresh in his mind and several were already favorites of his, like Frozen and The Little Mermaid. We had such an amazing time together enjoying two of our favorite loves, music and Disney! He was the perfect gentleman and told me several times throughout the night that I was beautiful and a princess. (My little charmers) He also (shyly) told another little girl sitting next to us that she was beautiful. I love my swoonworthy little boy. He is going to be one heck of a man one day. The show started at 8pm and we arrived early so we could enjoy the yummy food, free ice cream and neat booths they were offering as pre show entertainment. I had planned on leaving after the first Act since it would already be way past Elijah's bed time but when I saw how much fun he was having and I saw that the Frozen music was last, I knew we would stay for the whole thing. And it was SO WORTH IT! He sang along. He danced. He laughed. He made friends with the children around us. It was an awesome night for us both. 

Mama and her handsome boy heading out for our date!

We parked in the blue lot which was FREE parking! 

It was quite a trek but we enjoyed our little walk!\

First snack of the night.....a GIANT soft pretzel. He is a Philly boy at heart!

Elijah LOVES Ariel and kept asking if Ariel would be here. I asked him if he wanted to go to the see the characters and he kept saying no. When he finally said he wanted to go, we saw that Ariel was among them and we were both SO EXCITED! However we went to the back of the line and they had closed it. I'm not sure why they closed it so early. It wasn't really that long and we were both really bummed. Only bummer of an otherwise awesome evening. 

We did get the chance to meet some Frozen friends!

There was a booth right up our alley that had a ton of percussion instruments to try out! Elijah was totally game!

This clapping device was by far his favorite!

Pure joy. 

My little musician

Little Drummer Boy. 
Best kind of ice cream (besides dairy free) is FREE FREE!

Enjoying a rare treat of real ice cream!

So is Mama!

He was made for dancing!

This boy loves to dance!

Elijah recently received his very own camera as a gift! We took his camera and used it for our date photos! Here are the pictures Elijah himself took! He is my little budding photographer!

The girl behind me is the one Elijah told she was beautiful. <3

12 June 2015

Dairy and Gluten Free EASY Mac and Cheese


  • 1 package gluten free pasta, cooked and drained

  • 1 cup frozen peas, thawed1/4 cup nutritional yeast

  • 1/2 cup gluten free flour

  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon mustard powder

  • 1 1/2 teaspoon sea salt

  • 3 tablespoon Earth Balance spread, melted

  • 2 cup water

Defrost peas and prepare and drain pasta. Combine all the dry ingredients in a sauce pan. Melt the butter and combine with the water. Pour liquid into the sauce pan with the dry ingredients and cook on med low gently whisking. At first you can whisk intermittently but as the sauce begins to cook and thicken you want to stir constantly. It will get pretty thick. It takes about 7-10 minutes. Combine with peas and pasta and serve. You can also put in a casserole dish, top with gluten free bread crumbs and bake for 20 minutes. Either way it is super yummy

09 June 2015

Easy BBQ Pork


2/12 pound pork shoulder

1 bottle rootbeer

1 jar bbq sauce (I make my own which is so yummy in this!)

Salt to taste

Put pork in slow cooker. Salt pork and pour root beer over it. Cook on low for 6 hours. Drain and shread the pork with two forks. mix the bbq sauce in with the pork and serve. Great as sandwiches though I prefer to eat it plain. Super yummy!

03 June 2015

16 Month Old Twinspiration!

Sixteen month old twin boys! Sometimes I feel like I need to pinch myself to make sure it is real. They are so awesome, loving and sweet...just like their big brother. They love to play together and with him. They are sweet and kind showering each other and everyone else with kisses and hugs. They laugh A LOT! There is so much fun and silliness happening in our house nowadays, it is a great place to be and I am loving this season of life. I see bonds already formed individually between the three brothers and the three of them as a whole and it is a beautiful thing to watch. I have hoped and prayed for my children to be best friends and they are off to an amazing start!

 Sweet little boys checking out the flowers
 The sweetest big brother I ever met. 
 Three of a kind and yet so different. 
 Happy little faces
 The "Mama" of all accomplishments.......happy picture of all three!
 Water break!
 Post photo shoot fun at the park!
 Brothers exploring together
More exploration


Rory is tipping the scales at 20 pounds! He has felt so much heavier to me lately and although he continues to slowly gain weight, he felt WAY heavier this month! He is such a happy go lucky guy and adores his big brother. He follows Elijah EVERYWHERE. 
Rory continues to love to nurse as well as enjoying his solid food journey. He now uses a fork. One day I just gave it to him to see and he began using it like a pro right away! I was so impressed! His favorite foods are still all kinds of meat and gluten free breads, pancakes and starches in general. He enjoys his daily smoothie and cannot get enough berries and bananas.

Rory is fiercely independent. He wants to do everything by himself and usually succeeds on the first try. He loves to climb the table in the playroom (which we have allowed since Elijah was able because it allows him to see out of the only front window we have downstairs). He is not shy and will jump right in with the big kids when we have playdates. He is EXCELLENT at playing pretend and has been for several months. He loves to pretend to talk on the phone both using my phone as well as the number toy phones we have floating around. He is very serious as he babbles away and holds the phone to his ear. He "cooks" in our play kitchen and shares his delicacies with us. And erupts into laughter as we pretend to taste his wares and then copies the same action. 

Rory still loves baths and water in general. He loves to swim and splash and the whole experience (whether it is bath or pool) make him GIGGLE! And he has the most musical giggle. 

Rory has a new love, Despicable Me movie. My parents gave the kids each their electronic "lifelike" minions as this has been one of Elijah's favorite things to watch during TV time. The moment Rory saw the toy minions in action, he was hooked. He quickly learned how to operate the electronic minion, adopted this small plush minion that my mother had given Elijah a year ago, and when I put the movie just to see what he did, his head nodded up and down as he smiled and sat down and watched THE WHOLE THING! This is a kid who doesn't really pay attention to TV (which I like) and hasn't sat for more than 10 minutes watching Praise Baby or Baby Babble. And he sat and watched 90 minutes of minions. Now when he cries or is fussy, or just when I want him to laugh, all I have to do is start singing the theme. The pictures I took today had smiles resulting from the Despicable Me song. Such a funny, quirky little guy. 

Another funny Rory story started about a week ago. Chip was reprimanding Rory for something or other and, unprompted, Rory marched himself over the our "time out" spot and sat down quietly. It took everything for me not to laugh out loud. Well I was curious if he would do this on demand. He has not been so much of a rule following. A couple days later, Rory did something to Patrick resulting in Patrick tears. I told Rory to go sit time out. And he did. He quietly walked over to the little hall we use and sat down. Because he seems to understand time out, we have started to use this to use this as part of Rory's discipline. His time outs last for maybe 30 seconds. The action of him going over there willingly is mostly the point right now but it is super cool that he seems to have a heart to do what he is asked.  

Rory brings so much joy and happiness to our home. He continues to be super attached to me (his Mama) and sometimes it can be hard to get much of anything done on days when he is glued to me. But I know there will come a time when I am begging him to come see me and so I thoroughly enjoy this season of dependence and lots of affection. There is something about the way a boy (all my boys) love their Mama. 

Mr. Congeniality 

 Playing peekaboo
 Such a handsome boy
 Looking so much like his big brother
 One of three faces that light up our world

 So. Much. Joy. 

 Rory's unique toes (second and third). This is something that comes from my side of the family although ours if VERY subtle. Rory's is NOT so subtle. And uniquely him. 
 Post photo shoot playtime at the Park!
 This is the first time I let the twins get down and explore the park!
 Another madcap in training. 
 He made it to the top!
 Brushing off some dirt!
 I see kindness in this face
Love you Roar! 

As of today, Patrick weights 17 pounds, 6 ounces. Ever since his frenectemy (clipping his lip and tongue tie) he has been able to swallow all his food and has begun to once again put on weight! He has stopped putting on weight other than a couple of ounces once he started solids on his first birthday. I am so grateful that this was the miracle cure for what ailed him and I love to see him chow down at meals and snack times! Patrick;s favorites are anything that grows. He loves fruits vegetables and legumes. He also enjoys organic O's and other gluten free cereals. He loves smoothies and is intense about his water intake. 

Patrick is often content to just play by himself. I often worry that he may get left out as he gets older by his other two bigger brothers but the three of them also play very well together and it seems Patrick just enjoys some alone time, even at this age. He is an observer and deep thinker. He seems to absorb everything he sees and his comprehension is awesome. He is a rule follower. He normally only needs to be told once to do or not to do something and he will oblige. We have not started enforcing time outs with him but he also hasn't really needed it because he obeys really well. Patrick is and has always been very intentional with his movements and speech and is very careful when walking, getting on and off of things and trying to talk. He is very good at imitating speech. 

Patrick still likes baths but only on his terms. If you strip and and put him right in the tub, there is a 50% chance he will not be happy about it. However if you fill the tub and let him check it out and watch the water go in and see his brothers getting in, he will stand next to the tub and put his arms up as his way of asking to get in. Then he will play and splash and giggle. 

Like his brothers, Patrick loves music and can efficiently emit noise from any wind instrument you hand him. (Okay we have not let him try Elijah's bagpipes but everything else he is amazing at!). His favorite seems to be the kazoo but you give him any kind of flute or whistle and he will make music. 

Patrick is a unique presence for our family. He is calm and soothing and quiet. He is such a little darling with big laughter, a great sense of humor but mostly he is calm and gentle. Although personalities like his may tend get hidden in the mix, I think that Patrick will stand out in our family with his unique manner. He will remind us to slow down and enjoy quiet moments together. I love my sweet, peaceful boy. 

 Sweet boy all ready for his photos shoot!
 Love that smile! Oh how I love it!
 He's so proud of his peekaboo skills. 
 Look at that happy boy. 
 Such a sweet face. 
Oh so handsome. 

 My Pfunk. Or PJ the DJ as I have been calling him lately. 
 He thinks it is funny. 
 Ready to do a little exploring. 

 Such a sweet, gentle boy. 
 Ready for his first independent play time at the park!
 There he goes!
 This is cool, Mama!
 He got in on some climbing action. 

Here's a fun 16 month comparison of my sweet three! There is definitely a family resemblance.