27 May 2012

Elijah's Christening Party

 As always, a milestone can not go by without being celebrated in true Parish Jr. Style. We love to throw a party and celebrate. So following Elijah's christening, everyone headed back to our house for food and fellowship.  A cake was made by a family friend who has become THE cake baker for the Parish family.
 Elijah received so many generous gifts from his family and friends. 
 We began the party by watching a video that I made of our pregnancy, labor and the birth of our first son. 
 The Belly Book which I had made for Elijah throughout my pregnancy was completed and arrived the day before his Christening. I loved sharing this with our family. 
 Our gift to the Godparents was pictures frames. I can't wait to see what photos the Godparents choose for their frames!
 Elijah cannot get enough of these two!
 We were happy to help our boy open up his gifts!
 I loved the sweet Precious Moments doll that says bedtime prayers.
 Elijah got tired of opening presents....but I bet that won't last long!
 A traditional gift that we received from Godfather Uncle Josh is an antique silver baby cup with the letter P engraved.  So cool!
 Elijah was enjoying his time on his Great Granny's lap
 He is a very intense baby. I wonder what he is thinking. 
 He  LOVED the streamers we decorated with!

 Elijah had his lunch in private with Mommy upstairs. 
 Special time with his Godfather
 We had a surprise visitor....SUSIE! 

Elijah's Christening

 Chip and I decided to have both a baby dedication and a Christening for Elijah. We wanted to share both of our traditions with our son. We chose to Christen Elijah on Memorial Day weekend at the church where we were married. He was almost exactly one month old. We were blessed to have lots of family in town to share this joyous occasion.
 Elijah's Grandma and Granddad gave him this beautiful Feldman Brothers Christening gown.  
 Elijah's Godparents were chosen carefully. We asked my best friend, Heather Fricke, and Elijah's Uncle, Josh Beard to do us the honor. 
 Elijah is surrounded by the people that will do everything in their power to protect him and bring him up in the light of God's love
 Our little family is so blessed. I still cannot believe that he is really our son. We are so lucky!
 Elijah is a lucky boy who has four great grandmothers in his life!  His Granny was so happy to be here representing the Great Grandmothers and gives him so much love!
 Elijah's Papa John came all the way from New Jersey to be here for this bless day.
 Grandma and Granddad are so proud of their newest grandson.

 Although this is the same church where Chip and I were married two and a half years ago, we did not get married in the small chapel where Elijah was Christened as our wedding party was too large. I was so excited to have Elijah's Christening in the chapel!
 Godfather and Godson 
 Godmother and Godson
 Elijah gives a big smile as Jacob gives him a big kiss
 My beautiful, precious baby

 Such sweet little feet. The shoes and socks were a birthday gift for me from Grandma and Granddad Parish
 Two ladies totally in love with this baby boy

 Elijah was calm and peaceful throughout the service, as usual. He only let out a small peep when anointed with the holy water. 

 Elijah must have been telling Pastor Plunkett a really funny joke! 
 Parents and Godparents looking on as Elijah is introduced to the congregation. 

 Chip closed the ceremony with a prayer

26 May 2012

Elijah's First Swim

 Memorial Day weekend, when everyone came into town for Elijah's Christening, we had the opportunity to take our baby for his first swim! Grandma and Granddad Parish friends, Rick and Trish, let us come over and use their pool! I was so excited to get Elijah in the water. He loves his baths and I knew that he would enjoy floating around the pool. He was a little fussy at first as he got used to the water temperature, but then he began to relax and fell asleep while he floated around.  It was an amazing day!
All set for our very first swim!

"Mommy, this feels soooo nice!"

"Don't let go please"

Peek a boo! Where is Elijah!

There he is!

Uncle Josh looks great in Elijah's monkey hat!