15 April 2012

Maternity Pictures with Bonnie and Wrigley/37 Weeks

Anyone that knows me, knows how important our dogs are to me. They have been our only children up until Elijah was conceived and will maintain an important position in our family even after Elijah's birth. Both Bonnie and Wrigley have handled my pregnancy like champs. They have both stuck close by me when I was feeling too bad to get out of bed, and really don't like to leave my side.  Wrigley especially likes the baby bump and uses it as a pillow. Bonnie has become even more protective as I hope she will be of Elijah when he emerges in just a few short days. Since our dogs are such an important part of our lives, it seemed fitting to take some maternity photos with them. Thanks to the ever fabulous Jessica Edwards for taking on this challenging and entertaining project with me! Here are some favorites!

Bonnie was first up. We thought we would get them warmed up one at time. 
Bonnie and I have been together for 10 years.  It will be hard for her to share me, like it was when she had to share me with Chip, but I know she will grow to love her baby brother, Elijah. 
Wrigley decided that he wanted in on the pictures. Apparently he had gotten into something that smelled pretty darn good to Bonnie. 
As we learned with our Christmas pictures, getting two dogs to pose for pictures is no easy feat. 
Wrigley LOVES getting his ears rubbed. That is the best way to get him to behave...unfortunately it also makes him close his eyes. 
Such a proud boy! And so good looking too! 
We like to have fun with all that loose skin....and Wrigley doesn't seem to mind. 
This is one of the best ones. Everyone is looking forward with eyes open! 
Awww my furry babies!
Wrigley making himself at home on my bump
Loves that bump! And loves his Mama!
What a sweet big sister
And there goes Wrigley! Apparently did not want to be photographer in his tee shirt.
He is going to love having another person to give him love!

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