28 April 2012

Houston Fertility Institute Baby "Shower"

Since Elijah and I were released from the hospital TWO DAYS EARLY because we were progressing so well....we were able to attend the annual HFI Baby "Shower". It is an annual picnic where all the babies conceived with the help of the clinic and their parents gather together to celebrate their success and these amazing new lives.  I think it is safe to say that at 65 HOURS old, Elijah was the newest one there!
It was so much fun getting our boy all dressed up in this adorable little outfit! All ready to go!
The proud parents and baby with the fabulous Dr Williams that helped make us into a family of three. 
Elijah slept soundly through most of the excitement
Cecilia was one of the HFI nurses.  She was with us from pretty much the beginning of our journey there and took great care of our family.  Our long journey to parenthood was made so much better by the care and attention of the whole HFI staff. 
After our first transfer, Ceci transferred to another HFI location so this was the first time Chip met her.  He was so happy to be able to thank her in person for all she had done for our family.
Babywearing sisters! Aunt Biz and Jacob were sweet enough to join us on this special first outing and record our moments with the HFI staff.

It was an amazing day and an amazing first outing.  

26 April 2012

Elijah's Birth Story

Elijah was born on April 26, 2012, exactly one week before his due date. I was thirty-nine weeks pregnant and quite ready to meet our son. So around six in the morning on the day of Elijah's birth, we made our way to Woman's Hospital of Texas.

I had been having relatively intense contractions for the last few weeks of pregnancy along with some pretty intense cramping. I had at least two instances of false labor, where the contractions got to about seven minutes apart and then spread out again. My body was just not progressing.  We had been stuck at barely one centimeter of dilation for three weeks and Elijah was not dropping. I was as active as I could possibly be but I must admit, my hour long commute to work was getting more and more difficult with the regular contractions and even though I know that the lack of progress I seemed to be making might mean nothing, I felt in my heart of hearts that our son was ready to be born and might need a little help.  

The decision to induce was made by myself, my husband and my doctor....and it was not an easy decision to come to.  Chip and I had taken our Bradley method classes and were determined to have a natural birth. However, we chose Dr. Smith because we trust her, and while natural childbirth was her goal for us as well, we knew that if she made suggestions, it was because she had our best interest in mind as well.  So when she asked me if we wanted to induce a couple days before our 39 week mark, I knew that my instincts had been correct. After thorough discussion, Chip and I mourned the part of our birth plan that included no interventions but we felt good about the decision we made.  My "mommy instinct" was telling me this was the right thing to do.  
We arrived at the hospital around seven in the morning. A nurse had been chosen for us by our doctor and the Director of L&D specifically because she had a background in natural birth and actually began her career in a birthing center. Christine was such a blessing. She already had a copy of our birth plan and was determined to help us honor as much of it as possible. The plan was already changing but she knew that we still wanted to try give Elijah the best birth we could.  I was hooked up to the pitocin at 8:15. By 9:15, my body was in full labor and they were able to remove me from the pitocin IV as well as the monitoring. Chip and I were able to labor naturally as we had planned. 

We used many of the positions that we had learned in our birth class and moved freely around the room, discovering new positions that helped me get through the contractions.  I was progressing very very slowly. Around five o clock I was only at three or centimeters dilated and my contractions were thirty to forty five seconds apart.  They were literally right on top of one another.  I was not getting any breaks in between. Because I was so far from pushing, or even transition, I began to realize there was no way I was going to make it.  If the contractions had been further apart, I may have had a shot however the intensity and frequency was making it impossible for me to go on.  We were still many many hours away from pushing.  Through tears, I told Chip quietly that the time had come for an epidural. I hated the words coming out of my mouth and yet I knew that there was no way I could continue.  Christine, unknown to me, had pulled Chip aside shortly before and told him that she expected I would ask and in her opinion, it was the right thing to do if I wanted to have the energy to push when that time came.  Chip, being a most excellent coach, did not give in right away. He made me talk it out as best as I could (in my thirty second breaks) and made sure that this was truly what I wanted. 

The anesthesiologist was called and I was given relief.  After that, the world slowed down a bit for me. I was able to relax and BREATHE. I was looking forward to meeting our son and able to focus on that goal. I was sad that I was not able to do this naturally however I felt like a champ for laboring pain-med free on pitoncin for as long as I did.  My dilation continued to progress beautifully and by six-thirty, I was at six centimeters. 
Unfortunately Elijah was not dropping. He had remained at zero station pretty much the whole day. He appeared to be stuck.  Around the time of this check, we also realized that my temperature was beginning to spike along with Elijah's heart rate. Christine had me move around into different positions to try to bring the heart rate down but it remained at around 180 bpm with no signs of coming down.  Dr. Smith was brought in to discuss our options. The causes of concern were that he was not dropping so labor was still probably hours away and if my temperature got to a certain point, there would be concern about infection and Elijah would have to go to the NICU for observation immediately after birth. Chip and I had a decision to make.  If we moved forward with a Cesarean section, we would likely still get our immediate bonding time and not have to be separated from Elijah. If we left it chance, it was likely to be hours before we were able to be with our son after his birth. As much as I wanted the opportunity to push our baby out, we realized his well being was most important and we believed that it was more important that he gets to remain with us after his birth. We also trusted our doctor and knew that if she was suggesting this, there were serious causes for concern. Through tears, gave our consent for the c-section and moments later, I was whisked away the operating room. I don't remember ever being this scared. I was scared for our son. I was scared to have major abdominal surgery while AWAKE!  

Chip came into the operating room, just as they were beginning the procedure.  I was shaking pretty violently from the medication. I looked at Chip and asked him to talk to me. It didn't matter what he said, just please talk to me. I kept listening, hoping to hear a little baby cry while I also continued to focus on Chip, trying to forget what was going on behind that curtain. Then, after only a few minutes, I heard the most perfect cry I have ever heard. 

Chip told me he could see him. Then Elijah peaked over the curtain and I saw the most beautiful round face I have ever seen. Our son was born, perfectly.  He was 8lbs, 6 oz and had an APGAR score of 8-9! He was alert and beautiful. He did have a slight cone head from being stuck but that just gave us confirmation that he needed a little help getting out.  Dr. Smith would later confirm that if we had gone full term, or beyond, it would have been even more likely that we would have needed a c-section due to his size and my apparent lack of room in my hips. We had made the right decisions all around for our son, even if it was not what we had planned. 

Chip stayed with Elijah while the doctors continued to sew me back up. That part seemed to take forever. Thirty minutes after Elijah had emerged from my belly, I was in the recovery room breastfeeding him, just as planned. 
We stayed in the recovery room for about three hours. Chip gave Elijah his first bath, just as planned and was even able to take him out to the waiting room to meet his grandparents and Godmother while we were recovering. 
Around eleven pm, the Parish family of three went, together, to our hospital room.  Our ultimate goal achieved. We had a healthy baby boy. He was very alert. He successfully breastfed within 30 minutes of birth and had experienced skin to skin contact. I was able to hold him almost as soon as he was born and Chip and I remained with him the entire time. He had not been given eye ointment or any shots other than vitamin K. Elijah and I thrived so much after our procedure, that we were released from the hospital less than 48 hours after he was born. 

An an ideal world, my son would have been born with no medical intervention and no medication.  However, I am eternally grateful for Dr. Smith and Woman's hospital of Texas for helping us bring Elijah into the world safely and in a way that I believe was necessary for his situation.  I will continue to pursue a natural birth experience for any future children we are blessed with but I have also come to understand that the ultimate goal of health and well being is most important.  I am also grateful for the knowledge of have acquired through our Bradley Method classes and my research.  It helped me to be more prepared and even more comfortable with the decisions we made for our son. We have been so blessed. 

Birth Story Video

I put together a video of our pregnancy and birth journey.  I had dreamed about making this throughout our pregnancy and the songs that were chosen, were carefully selected long before Elijah was born. We are so blessed to have this baby boy join our family.  I hope I have truly captured our joy through this medium.  Welcome to the world baby boy. We love you.      

18 April 2012

Work Shower/38 Weeks

As "D" Day is drawing closer,  my wonderful co-workers decided to throw a baby shower for me and my pregnant co-worker, Belen, who is expecting a daughter in June. I feel so blessed to work with such an amazing group of people. And boy, do they know how to throw a party!  That is one of the great things about working in the hospitality industry.
The San Felipe room was beautifully decorated with chair covers, streamers and balloons to celebrate Elijah and Danielle's upcoming arrival!
There was a delicious cookie cake honoring me and Belen!
The guests of honor....and their bellies!
My dear friend, Meghan, made the trip from Westin Memorial to join in on the fun!
My amazing assistant, Jennifer, made this cream cheese dip that way so YUMMY!
The highlight "dish" was the cookie dough dip! Yum! Especially good with pretzels and graham crackers!
I am so blessed with such an amazing boss. Thank you Lori, for the beautiful speech. Working at Westin Galleria is an incredible experience and largely due to her welcoming and supportive attitude.
I received a beautiful card signed by the whole team and everyone contributed to an extremely generous gift certificate to the Galleria Mall. I can hardly wait to take my son shopping!
We also received some ADORABLE clothes. I am going to have one well dressed baby!
Belen enjoying the sweet little girl clothes she received
One of the wonderful assistants, Chris, gave Elijah a personalized blanket made by an organization called Simply Adorable Blankets.  These blankets are made by persons with developmental disabilities. 

15 April 2012

Maternity Pictures with Bonnie and Wrigley/37 Weeks

Anyone that knows me, knows how important our dogs are to me. They have been our only children up until Elijah was conceived and will maintain an important position in our family even after Elijah's birth. Both Bonnie and Wrigley have handled my pregnancy like champs. They have both stuck close by me when I was feeling too bad to get out of bed, and really don't like to leave my side.  Wrigley especially likes the baby bump and uses it as a pillow. Bonnie has become even more protective as I hope she will be of Elijah when he emerges in just a few short days. Since our dogs are such an important part of our lives, it seemed fitting to take some maternity photos with them. Thanks to the ever fabulous Jessica Edwards for taking on this challenging and entertaining project with me! Here are some favorites!

Bonnie was first up. We thought we would get them warmed up one at time. 
Bonnie and I have been together for 10 years.  It will be hard for her to share me, like it was when she had to share me with Chip, but I know she will grow to love her baby brother, Elijah. 
Wrigley decided that he wanted in on the pictures. Apparently he had gotten into something that smelled pretty darn good to Bonnie. 
As we learned with our Christmas pictures, getting two dogs to pose for pictures is no easy feat. 
Wrigley LOVES getting his ears rubbed. That is the best way to get him to behave...unfortunately it also makes him close his eyes. 
Such a proud boy! And so good looking too! 
We like to have fun with all that loose skin....and Wrigley doesn't seem to mind. 
This is one of the best ones. Everyone is looking forward with eyes open! 
Awww my furry babies!
Wrigley making himself at home on my bump
Loves that bump! And loves his Mama!
What a sweet big sister
And there goes Wrigley! Apparently did not want to be photographer in his tee shirt.
He is going to love having another person to give him love!

08 April 2012

My Pregnancy "Must Haves"

As the amazing and blessed experience of my first full term pregnancy comes to a close, part of me can't help but be a little sad.  I had hoped to be pregnant for so long and now, this part of the journey is almost over.  I will miss the little kicks and "sea creature" moves inside my belly.  I will miss getting to know my son from the inside out and feeling his love for me as he sticks his foot out for me to rub on my belly. This has been an amazing season of life......HOWEVER....as any Mama knows, it is not all puppies and rainbows. Pregnancy comes with its "hardships" as well.  Every second of them is worth it but there are a few things that were an integral part of helping me through the potentially tough parts of my pregnancy.

1. My Amazing Husband
Okay, this probably goes without saying but having a partner that is supportive, nurturing and helpful makes all the difference in the world. Chip was there for me from the very beginning. He has a needle phobia and yet found the inner strength to give me my nightly progesterone injections for the first three months.  And we are not talking little needles here. This was a giant shot every night right in the tush! He didn't allow me to lift a finger when we were in the high risk part of our pregnancy and only allowed "light duty" thereafter.  Not only was he excited about being my birth coach but I think he learned more than anyone else in our Bradley Method class.  He held me on the days when I was feeling bad and has been excited with me over every little milestone.  He has been my husband, my best friend, my soul mate and my coach.  I could not have done this without him.

#2 Vanilla Ice Cream/Milkshakes
During the first trimester, I suffered from morning sickness that basically killed my appetite. Nothing sounded good and the thought of most food made me sick.  One thing that I found I could stomach was vanilla milkshakes.  I started losing weight in the first trimester because I couldn't eat and the milkshakes provided calcium, calories and sugar which I really needed to keep going and I was able to sip on them without getting sick.  Halfway through my second trimester, I learned about the worst pregnancy symptom of all.....HEARTBURN/INDIGESTION!  Imagine lava crawling up your stomach into the back of your throat and down again.  It was and continues to be the biggest pregnancy "challenge".  Because of the aluminium content in antacids, I preferred to suffer through the episodes.  But I tried desperately to find "natural" remedies. Soft-serve vanilla ice cream was the only thing that consistently provided relief, even if it was just for a short time.  Chip and I came to know which fast food restaurants would serve it for breakfast.

#3 Fetal Doppler
I debated over whether or not to purchase a fetal Doppler. Because of our history, I worried through most of the first half of my pregnancy.  During the first 11 weeks, we had weekly ultrasounds with our specialist.  Once I was transferred to my regular OB, I lost that security of seeing/hearing that tiny heartbeat on a regular basis. I have heard that many times, mama's to be may not always be able to find the heartbeat on their own and the Doppler can end up causing needless worry.  I decided that I worry so much anyone, the Doppler was bound to appease more worry than it created.  This was true for me and I never had trouble finding Elijah's heartbeat. There is also some debate on the safety of ultrasounds/Doppler.  Chip and I have opted to "go natural" on almost every aspect of our pregnancy and the upbringing of our son.  However, we felt that Doppler/ultrasounds are not only safe, they helped me to relax and not to be stressed throughout pregnancy and we know that is good for our son. I purchased our Doppler on ebay for about $50 and it was worth every penny! As I began to feel Elijah move on a regular basis I did not need the reassurance as much but let me tell you, it was a blessing to me to hear that heartbeat on those days when I felt panic or worry.

#4 Mother's Special Blend
Although stretch marks were not a major concern, I would prefer not to have them.  My mother had them and I was always told it was hereditary.  However, I decided to do what I can to prevent them.  A friend recommended Mother's Special Blend to me.  It is a combination of almond, coconut and vitamin E oil.  I began using it in the first trimester and, as you can see, no stretch marks as of thirty-six  and a half weeks. I did still get that sexy black line down my belly but no stretch marks.  I am convinced that this awesome blend played a role in that.  You can find it at Whole Foods, Vitamin Shoppe or Amazon.

#5 Pregnancy Pillow

I bought my pregnancy pillow pretty early because the progesterone shots gave me golf ball sized masses on my rump and it was difficult to get comfortable.  It was a blessing throughout my whole pregnancy and I am now finding that it eases the pressure on my belly just as it did on my backside. My dogs also learned very quickly that it is a comfortable little "nest" and whenever they have the opportunity, they will steal my spot.  Let me also say that pregnancy pillows come in two shapes that I have seen. One looks like an upside down "J" and the other like an upside down "U".  I like the "U" because you roll over in it and still have the same comfort no matter which side you lay on without having to adjust your pillow.

These are just some little things that I found helpful throughout my own pregnancy.  They allowed me to enjoy each moment of each day a little more.