03 October 2011


As most people know, we are high risk for our first trimester. We are receiving amazing care from our specialist. Being high risk these first few months is pretty stressful on our family however one of the positives about it is the frequent doctor visits and ultrasounds. I just love getting to see Sweet P so often! This Mommy has gotten spoiled. :) I am really going to miss this once I am transferred to the obstetrician in a couple of weeks. I would like to share some of the amazing growth our little one has accomplished that we have had the privilege of witnessing....
This was our first ultrasounds at just under 5 weeks. Sweet P was the size of a grain of rice! The first ultrasound is super scary because even though you have those positive pregnancy tests, seeing is believing. We breathed a sigh of relief that day.

The next one was at week 6. Sweet P was the size of a Sweet Pea! Growing strong and ahead of the curve! We have been measuring large. Maybe we will end up with an April baby instead of May?

This is still week six. It was extra special because we heard the heartbeat for the very first time. It was a strong heartbeat to be able to hear it so early! Another sigh of relief. There is really a person inside me!

I could not believe how much growth was between week six and seven! The heartbeat was even stronger this week...and gets stronger every week since!

Week eight was amazing. Sweet P looks like an actual person! I could not believe all the changes that had come to play!

Week nine was my favorite week so far. I saw Sweet P wiggle for the first time. And not only was s/he wiggling, but dancing all over the place! I treasure every new step we are taking and knowing that each week, our child is growing stronger and bigger makes me happy and proud as a mother. I can't wait for our ultrasound on Friday so Chip can see our baby dance for him too!

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