02 February 2017

Rory & Patrick Are Three!

It is hard to believe that my precious tiny baby twins are already three. They bring so much joy and laughter into our home and family. Watching their bond and brotherhood grow over these last three years along with their big brother, Elijah has been such a blessing. Each day, more and more, I see their unique personalities developing and I am so impressed and humbled by the little boys they are and are becoming. 

Rory is funny. SO FUNNY. He loves getting a laugh and achieves that easily through funny facial expressions, little jokes and mannerisms and songs he makes up. That child LOVES TO SING. He can often be found by himself upstairs in the playroom with his little karaoke microphone singing his little heart out. He has a big heart and whenever anyone is hurt, he is often the first to run over with a gentle pat, kisses and hugs and a whisper of "I love you". He has always been a total Mama's boy but lately he seems to have found some bittersweet independence. Some of that independence can be seen in his physical activity and love for sports. I can see a future athlete in him and it will be fun to watch and see if that is actually what unfolds in his sweet life. Rory has always had really big emotions, since he was about a year old, but lately that seems to have toned down a bit and he has been very even tempered and an excellent listener. Though I still see his big emotions come through in their best form of joy, love and laughter. 

Some of his favorites are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, lollipops, Ninja Turtles, his bunny that he sleeps with, climbing furniture (not to thrilled with that move), berries of any kind, playing with his magic track set with his big brother,rap music (lol),  and singing I See The Moon with mama. I am looking forward to giving him the opportunity to try playing a sport in the fall. 

I just adore this precious little boy and all the joyful activity he brings into daily life. I love that he is so affectionate and caring. I see such a big heart  in that adorable little body and I know he will continue to make this world a happier place. 

My sweet little Patrick has many nicknames. PJ for Patrick Jefferson. Pfunk, which I coined when he was a wee baby just because it seemed to fit his independent personality. I ask him if he's my Tiny and he says emphatically "Yessssssss" almost every time. Except when he is in a silly mood and I get a quick "no" followed by an eruption of giggles. Patrick still plays and behaves very independently although lately, he has become more of a Mama's boy. After dinner, when his bigger brothers are playing, Patrick prefers to climb on my lap for snuggles until our bedtime routine begins. I savor every second of this cuddly season with him. He has always been affectionate as are all my boys, but lately he just needs a little extra and I love providing that. 

When playing with other children, Patrick, being so small himself, seems to gravitate towards younger friends. I think he likes feeling like the "big brother" type since in our home, he truly is the baby in size (and age by 45 minutes!). He is still my deep thinker. I see intelligence and understanding in him way beyond his  years. He loves puzzles and is very good at them putting them together with little or no help. Some of his favorites are minions, ninja turtles, singing in the car, his entourage (a collection of about 7 animals he sleeps with, being carried around by Elijah and mama time. 

It is fun to see how different my tiny Patrick is from his bigger brothers. He definitely stands out in our family and I can see him being a figure of practicality and objectivity in a family (myself included) full of emotional thinkers. My boys all learn so much from one another and I from them. 

Three years. THREE YEARS. Every second of those three years that I get to mother them, hold them, care for them and love them has given me purpose and joy. As we exit the toddler years and move into this new territory of twin preschoolers, I continue to look forward seeing what this new season will bring. I love you my sweet miracle babies. May this fourth year be as magical as the first three. 

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