27 March 2016

Our Easter Celebration: 2016

This was our first Easter since the transition of our family skyline.  Couple with that the fact that mythree active boys are becoming more and more active with age. So, several of the traditions that I began these past couple of years did not, this year, come to fruition. I do look forward to bringing them back next year, such as our Benjamin's Box tradition and resurrection rolls, hot cross buns and the new idea I had of having a Good Friday seder to honor the last supper. Yes, the twins are a little young to get into some of that. We did however manage to have quite a splendid Easter holiday and observe several traditions that are also important to our family.

Easter Preparations

The night before Easter, after the twins were in bed, I made my usual real food coloring for dying eggs. Red Cabbage for blue (do NOT add vinegar to that one. I forgot that from past years and went through to batches before I remembered). Turmeric for yellow and beets for pink/red. I pealed half and left shells on the other half. Since the coloring is made from food, I like to dye the eggs whites that I will use for deviled eggs. I think you get more enjoyment out of the color. After Elijah went to bed, Brent and I waited up for the Easter bunny and I made candy (and the deviled eggs). I kept it simple this year and just chose three candies, so it was peanut butter eggs, cadbury eggs and honey marshmallows. And just as I finished up, the Easter bunny showed up just in time to sample!

Boiling the pigment our of our food to dye the eggs
Rory is checking out the games that the Easter bunny added to our collection
The candy was a hit. 
The twins each got their own apron so they no longer have to borrow one of Mama's pink ones. 

Easter Dinner and Our Egg Hunt
Because of (theoretical) nap schedules, we decided on a post nap early Easter supper which consisted of ham  provided by my parents, these baked cheesey mashed potatoes, amazing garlic sauteed green beans and deviled eggs. Mmmm. After dinner, it was time for our Easter egg hunt. Instead of candy, we put coins in the eggs and the children enjoy putting their new found wealth in their banks. I did not hide the eggs well enough. I really don't hide them,  I just sort of lay them out in the back yard and he did a better job making it a bit more challenging and fun. It was so cute to see the excitement on their little faces when they would spot one. 

These two ate ham...lots of ham....loads and loads of ham. 
Love this little boy. 
This tiny guy just makes me smile, when he isn't being mischievous. 

Its egg hunting season!
First egg of the day!
The minion eggs were a big hit. I actually found them from last year unused. 

Rory made this face every time he put money in the bank. 

Actually getting to church, a goal we have set for several months made difficult by my work schedule, was a highlight of the day for us. Hearing Elijah comment and ask questions throughout the service, knowing that sponge-like mind of his was getting some of what was going on was special. Being told when we picked up the twins what a pleasure they were in the nursery and how impressed the caretakers were with their manners and sharing just made us beam with pride. Seeing Elijah find an egg and walk over handing it to Rory made me think, Wow, we are doing something right. Watching their tiny faces smile and laugh and enjoy one another and us is always a highlight of every occasion. And even in the midst of chaos and (inevitable) stress, as I look at the three blessings that grace our home and the life I now share with mon anam cara, I think to myself, how did I get so lucky.