06 July 2015

Spiritually Parenting Your Preschooler: Book Review


I finished this book a couple of weeks ago and was so impressed with how thorough and yet simple the ideas and suggestions in here were. I was eager to remember and implement the key points in the book and so I began a list of ideas I wanted to remember and put into action. This list resulted in a “40 Ways” type  list. And while I believe you will greatly benefit from reading this book in its entirety, and encourage you to do so I would like to share my list with you. These notes were made as reminders for me so not all will make total sense but most should.  I hope you read this list and are inspired to buy and read the book!

Spiritually Parenting Your Children

1. When you are stressed: STOP AND PRAY even if it just for a minute.

2. Say to stressed children “Be at peace, son/daughter”

3. Have your child lay their hands on their chest and say “peace” over and over. Or do it for them.

4. Let your children be part of your daily worship and praise

5. Be conscious of what is WORTHY of your family’s eyes and ears (including media)

6. Read bible stories every day. Say “I love Jesus”. Kiss his picture.

7. Show them your bible. Hug it. “I love the bible”.

8. Pay attention to how God uses bible stories to minister to YOUR CHILDREN.


10. Worship should flow naturally from a grateful, loving heart.

11. Love God and spend free moments expressing it

12. Have a basket of instruments to play during musical worship

13. Like “Love & Logic” give CHOICES

14. Spanking should be reserved for rebellion and always administered calmly, never out of anger or for small infractions


16. Sin hurts.

17. Quite scriptures daily to your children.

18. Teach by example: Obey God and do all things for the Glory of His Name

19. Teach the 10 Commandments

20. Children naturally desire to please us. The desire is tarnished by parents anger or too high expectations!

21. Prevent public meltdowns by telling them where you are going what you are doing and what is expected of them. Occasionally reward good behavior.

22. Fear The Lord: love with He loves and Hate what He Hates.

23. Prior to all social activities say the rules: Love and Don’t hurt: God, Others, Yourself

24. Teach them verses with songs/hand motions

25. The Holy Spirit takes the Word of God that your child has heard and brings him to Jesus – Salvation

26. John Chapter 3.

27. Sanctified

28. Chores they do themselves prepares them

29. 3 types of learners: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic

30. “Grace to you, baby, in Jesus name” when child is frustrated

31. Hang pictures of people in prayer in your house

32. 10 Commandments should be base rules for family and posted somewhere visible.

33. Observing the Holy Day of Rest will bring order to the family’s whole week.

34. Church should out rank and out excite ALL OTHER ACTIVITES. If it does not, it is time to pull back on those activies

35. Child activities should be the NUMBER ONE CONSIDERATION when choosing a new church

36. Health Issues: PRAY FIRST Psalm 103: 2-3

37. www.charismalife.com

38. When your child has big feelings (happy, scared, sad, excited, mad) be quick to pray with them

39. When your child leaves home tell them “Remember who you are”

40. If we stay in touch with God then He who searches hearts, even your child’s heart, will reveal to you the mindful spirit in EVERY MATTER

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