22 September 2013

September Trip To San Antonio

Elijah and I decided that it had been too long since we had been to San Antonio to visit Nan and my parents (since July!) so we packed up our new van and headed west! It was a fun few days full of a whirlwind of activity! We went to Sea World with Granmumsy where Elijah got to mingle with all of his favorite Sesame Street characters.  Pop took us to the zoo and on a train ride.  My parents gave Elijah his Halloween costume, ELMO!, and he tried it on for the first time. It was a big hit! And of course, Granmumsy gave Elijah several baths as she always likes to do when we visit. He loves their tub and they have no short supply of rubber ducks, his favorite bathtime toy. Because of Christmas Pageant rehearsal at church in December and the fact that I won't be traveling much after Christmas, we are going to try to visit in October and November too.  I'm not sure how long I will wait to make the San Antonio drive after the babies are born but we need our Granmumsy and Pop time while we can get it. Of course, knowing me, I'll be on the road to San Antonio with three babies by March. Afterall, we can't miss Pop's birthday!

This is a cute video of Elijah dressed as Elmo and his time with the Sesame Street Characters as Sea World

Visiting Nan
Elijah loves his Great Nan. 

I know Nan just loves our visits. She is watching Elijah play with her stuffed bunny. 

Such a sweetie. 

My sweet little redhead. 

Giving Nan a high five. 

Sweet little boy hugs are the best. 

Checking out the outdoor action. Squirrels and birds.

Bathtime at Granmumsy's and Pop's house. 
Splish splash!

Elijah and Granmumsy invented a duck game. Elijah puts the ducks on the edge of the tub and knocks them off into the water and Granmumsy shouts "Timberrrrrr!!!"


Sneak Peak at Halloween!
And here's Elmo!

He was so happy parading around in his Costume!

My little Elmo

Having some fun with Pop!

The backyard with Pop

San Antonio Zoo

Checking out the crocodiles with Pop!

Elijah gave the crocs raspberries. 

Loves his Pop. 

Just two dudes checking out the wildlife. 

Great photo op! We didn't get to see the real hipps cause they were eating but this one was pretty cool. 

Elijah's favorite thing was the train ride at the end I think. 

Pretty boy. 

He looks like such a big boy there!

Tired boy giving Pop some love
Sea World
Elijah is still too little for Franklin's show but he loves getting to meet the character!

I actually had a hard time tearing him away. 

He really did not want to let go. 

I love this picture! This may need to get a frame for Elijah's room!

Some love from The Count

I loved watching these guys love on my little guy!

Rosita seemed to be Elijah's favorite of the day.....other than Franklin of course. 

So cute!

Rosita really gave him a lot of attention. 

hugs :)

Cookie Monster doing a little photo bombing :) 

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