29 January 2012

Granddad Turns 60! Yowza!

On Sunday, January 29 we celebrated the birthday of my father in law and Chip's father.....and Elijah's Granddad, Latheal Parish! Mom and Dad Parish had spent a relaxing birthday weekend at the fabulous Westin Riverwalk in San Antonio and came to our home on their way back for dinner, cake and a special birthday celebration!
Opening his card from his soon to arrive grandson, Elijah! 
Birthday card from Elijah!
A special birthday "happy" from Chip and Angela
Birthday table set for five! 
Turkey stuff green peppers! Yum!
Happy Birthday! Celebration Cake! Somewhat healthy and delicious!
Make a wish!
Hunter celebrated with us! It was his birthday too!
The Birthday Boys!

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