21 April 2018

Elijah's Sixth Birthday Party

When I asked Elijah what kind of birthday party he wanted this year, he told me a pool party. It is the first of the kids birthdays we have had in this house where that is possible so we excitedly brainstormed ideas of themes that would go with a pool party and while I suggested pirates and a number of other options, he fell in love with the idea of a Luau. 

Thank you April of Taylor Morgan Photography for coming out and taking our party pictures! 

We had a blast planning and preparing the food and decorations for this six year old extravaganza!

 I was so nervous about making the volcano cake...
 But it actually turned out really cool!
 We had lots of yummy Hawaiian treats to choose from! Tony was busy on the grill making BBQ pork for sandwiches and bacon wrapped pineapple! 
 We had a cute backdrop set up for pictures
 Handsome guy at the BBQ
 The bacon wrapped pineapple was SO YUMMY!
 All set up for the party!
Such a yummy feast!

 Birthday boy all set to party
 Forecast was for rain but thankfully it held off most of the day!
 Lots of friends dipping their feet in our pool!
 Our sweet six year old boy!
 Mama kisses for my main squeeze from his Mama!
 Tony, as always, put in more than his fair share of work for this party. Love you, baby! Could not have done it without you!
 My monkey doing some monkey crawling
 Warming Rory up with some Hawaiian spins!
 Sweet little Rory o mine. 
 The birthday boy. Six years old. CANNOT believe it~
 Elijah and his cousins (Auntie Heather's sweet littles) 
 Birthday boy ready to blow out some birthday candles!
 We loved watching this group have such a nice time at our home. 

 Get the ball, Elijah!
 We had some serious water gun action going on!
 I think PJ was trying to drink the pool. 

 Waterguns, waterguns, everywhere. 
 Me with Tony's sister 
 How many hula girls does it take to cut a cake?
 He's been working out. 
 SO handsome. 
 My inflatable pet flamingo, Fiona, was a huge hit. 

"The Moms"

 Present time!
 My bestie, Sister and favorite gal in the world and her mini me. 
 Tony gave Elijah his first highly anticipated baseball glove! 
 Elijah was so overjoyed he ran over and hugged his Poppa Tony. 

 Happy Birthday to the little boy that named me Mama. You are the sweetest, kindest, gentlest soul I know.  You make the world a better place already. We loved getting you to enjoy your special day with your friends and their families. I hope the day was a wonderful for you as it was for us. Happy Birthday, Elijah. 

20 April 2018

Elijah's 6th Birthday Montage

As per our tradition, here is my birthday card to Elijah, a montage of his life from pregnancy until now! Enjoy!

03 April 2018

A Doubly Special Baptism

Rory Mark and Patrick were Baptized at Trinity Lutheran Church on March 25, 2018. Their big brother had been baptized at six weeks old in May of 2012. But as our family were active members of a Baptist church when the twins were born, they were blessed with a baby dedication but no Baptism. Since starting a chapter in our lives, I have found my way back to my Lutheran rooms and the boys happily attend preschool at Trinity so it seemed like the perfect time to finally honor them with the sacrament of Baptism. It was neat that we were able to explain to them the special meaning and importance of Baptism.

Choosing Godparents for these boys was an easy task. My best friend and sister of the heart, "Auntie" Heather would of course serve as the boys Godmother as she had for Elijah. And I was thrilled to have the opportunity to offer Tony the honor of Godfather. I can think of no better Godparents for any of my boys and was grateful the journey of our lives and timing allowed for this.

We are so proud of these sweet boys. 

I am so blessed to have all four of these guys! 

Tony's parents, Melba and Randy, have become and integral part of my children's lives and we are so grateful they joined us on this day. 

Auntie Heather and her three God babies. 
The twins lit up when they saw Reerah and Grandaddy walk into the church. 

Daddy and his boys.

Looking on as Rory receives the sacrament of Baptims.
Looking on as Patrick receives the sacrament of Baptism

After the service, we had a pool party to celebrate the twins. 
We were so happy the twin's teacher, Mrs. Johnson, joined us with her sweet family. 

Thank you to everyone who came out to support and celebrate these sweet boys.