14 May 2017

A Very Special Mother's Day

Every Mother's Day since my first one with Elijah has been amazing. In the years leading up to my first Mother's Day as a mother, it was such a hard, painful day for me, struggling with infertility and a Mother's heart with no baby to fill it. Now, although I deeply miss the angel babies that never were able to take their first breath, I am filled with joy every time I look at these three precious faces and Mother's Day is a reminder to me how far I have come and how precious life is. This year, I had even more appreciation for the blessing of getting care for and guide these incredible boys. Every day with them is a gift and it is one I could never take for granted. My children and I have already been through so much together and it has bade us a strong, united family. I have such strong, caring and brave boys. I am so proud to be their Mama. 

Muffins With Mommy
Since this year, the boys were in daycare, we got to participate in the Muffins with Mommy day. I had seen this on Facebook posts throughout the last few years, posted by my working mama friends and friends with kids in school and while, I prefer my kids to be home, I often though what a sweet way to honor and recognize a Mama and her babies. I saw the flyer on the boys' school a couple of weeks ago and had been counting the days until the event. The boys were with their dad the night before so they got to school about 30 minutes before I arrived. When I walked in all their teachers told me how when they got their, they all kept saying "My mommy is coming to school today! I am having muffins with my Mama". What a fun tradition and maybe we can keep it going. I would love to continue to have muffins with Mama days with my kids into adulthood! Just a thought to remember for later. 

There we all are, muffins in hand, ready for some quality time!
I brought the boys "pink milk" as a surprise. NO CLUE how they even knew what pink milk is since at home we stick to water and almond milk but they always ask for it so today it was a special treat. 
Patrick sporting a strawberry milk mustache.
My sweet Elijah all set with his apple muffin and strawberry milk. 
Thank you Miss Lauren for setting this up for the Mamas and their babies!

The  Handmade Gifts
My sweet boys had so many gifts for me this mother's day! They made some in school and Tony asked them ahead of time, what they would like to give me for mother's day. So each boy got to pick out his own gift to give me. It is so funny to see how their little personalities came out in their choices. 

The twins made me these darling mugs with their tiny fingerprints as the petals. 

Elijah grew me the beginnings of a marigold. I am going to try really hard to keep it alive. 
I have a sweet card from Patrick....

And one from Rory...

A bookmark and card from Elijah
I just love the handprint poem from the twins
Over the weekend, Tony and I helped the boys make this gift to give to their grandmothers. 

Mother's Day

Our actual Mother's Day was just perfect. Tony had wrapped the boys' gifts and distributed each to the giver to bring me. They were so excited. Each had picked out his own. 
Patrick wanted me to have a monster I could sleep with. Though he commandeered it for most of the day. Rory kept bringing it back to me and Patrick would come and find it again. 

Rory gave me a princess jigsaw puzzle. And there is a story behind this. The day of the twins' birthday party, Tony and I took the kids along with Heather and her kids to stay at a friend's bay house. None of us had ever been there before and the owners were not there that weekend. When we arrived we saw a 1000 piece completed jigsaw puzzle on the dining table and told the children "DO NOT TOUCH THE PUZZLE". We didn't know if it was a special puzzle or important to the owners that it not get dismantled. On the day we were leaving, when we got back to the house for lunch and naps, as we were making plans for what we wanted to do post nap, we witnessed the tail end of Rory taking apart (almost completely) the puzzle. As we looked in horror, we realized we could not leave it like that. And so we spend the next, like EIGHT HOURS, putting the darn thing back together, finally finishing around 11 o clock at night, still needing to pack up and drive home for work and school the next day. So apparently, Rory (likely with encouragement from Tony) thought it would be really funny to give me this gift. And it was. We all erupted in laughter when I opened and Rory just sat there beaming with smiles. 

After gifts, we had a relaxing morning. Tony went and picked up breakfast for everyone and we decided to spend the morning at the park. Chip had given the kids and I really cute matching tshirts for Christmas and I really wanted to do a photos shoot with them so we grabbed the camera and headed to Meyer Park with Tony as our Photographer. 

The kids were really excited when we got there because they immediately spotted to bird sanctuary. 
Stealing one of those sweet Rory kisses that I love so much. 

The boy that named me "Mama"

There was so much to look at at Meyer Park. The boys were so excited to see a pond FULL of turtles!

And then Mama spotted the nutria rats. Ew. 

Rory, checking out the surroundings. 

Just strolling through the park...

My Tiny

Rory getting some air. 

We spotted a shady area we wanted to get to, to get away from the hot sun and the boys thought it looked far away. So we decided on count to 100 to make it go faster. And it worked. We got there by the time we got to 50. 
Elijah was excited. Shade at last!
The boys and I went for a little jog. 

Checking out the signs of life under the bridge. 

Tony told Rory to press his face against the fence. I think I got more into that than he did. 

Oh how I adore that boy. 
Total Mama's boy. 

My sweet Elijah cuddling up too. 

I just love being a Mama to these boys!

Elijah, looking like he is up to something. 

Thick as thieves

Such goofballs

We all wore our "Tony shoes"

My little camera ham.

Mama and her "Things"

How did I ever get so lucky. I ask myself this every single day. 

Aaaand...this is the pictures that I keep saying will be their first album cover when their band gets signed. 

They are so silly, and so much fun!

 Elijah loves nature. It will be fun to see how that love develops further. Very much like his Pop. 

Patrick though it would be fun to pretend to go fishing with that cool stick he found. 

Elijah found a pretty orange flower and Tony captured the moment he sweetly gave it to his Mama. 

Enjoying the moment created by my first born. 

He wanted me to wear it in my hair. 

Getting some love from my boys. 

So grateful for these three. 

Thing 3

Thing 2

Thing 1

Mother of all things

Checking out the "crocodiles" 

Patrick got a little less camera shy by the end of the visit to the park

Rory decided the flower looked better in his hair. 

After we left the park, we spent the afternoon at Tony's parents house and the boys had a blast playing in the back yard on the fort. I had a lovely visit with Tony's mom while he did some things around the house and then we headed home for a nice outdoor dinner together with the kids. We decided that Sundays are meat day which means we cook meat for the week and hang around outside. This was the first Sunday we did this and it was the perfect way to wind down the day. 

I am so grateful. I am grateful to have these three boys, home, safe, healthy and with the biggest hearts of any little (or big) people I know. I am grateful to have an incredible man that loves me and loves these children, who helps keep me calm and happy so I can be the best Mama I can to them. I am grateful for this life that I have been given that keeps getting better all the time. There have been many storms, but each one has made this family stronger and the blessings have been beyond and above anything I could have hoped for. 

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