30 November 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

Thanksgiving was a little different for our family this year. One of the hardest things about divorce is having to take turns with the holidays. This year, the kids were to be with their father for the Thanksgiving weekend  I choose to have our Thanksgiving with the kids the day before. Tradition is super important to me and now to us and so I wanted to make sure that every year, we get to celebrate all the holidays together, even if is on a different actual day.

I like to do something special with the kids on Thanksgiving that gets us in the spirit of the very near Christmas season. And gingerbread houses have been a favorite of mine in the past. Rory napped through the process and Patrick was content to watch and eat the decorations and so it was up to Elijah and me to construct the family gingerbread house for 2015. The kids' grandmother, Reerah, thoughtfully provided us with this years kit and Elijah and I went to work. '

Elijah could not wait to get started!

He was a natural

Patrick enjoyed being the taste tester

Love that little face. 

Snoopy was the perfect theme since the kids really have gotten into the Peanuts holiday shows this year. 

The finished product

Good job buddy!

Our pretty turkey

Lots of yummy family favorites

Patrick was ready to dig in

Someone was very excited about dinner. 

Before dinner and after dinner we took some family photos. As you can see from some of the outtakes, getting three kids three and under to sit still for a photo and smile at the same time is not always easy. But we had a great time enjoying the mild weather of the evening and some front lawn played ensued after.

Elijah was pretending to be a dragon...his latest obsession

I am so thankful for the love and warmth in our home not to mention to joy that we experience with one another. And I look forward to the many new moments and traditions in the holidays to come. 

09 September 2015

A Chapter Closes

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way”- Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities.


That about sums things up for us. We were in lovethat is for sure, and sporadically happy. We tried like hell to fit a square peg into a round hole and many times we were able to gain enough ground that we thought we could ride this thing forever. However, sadly, we could not. Rest assured that our love for each other remains in the respect we have for the other as the mother/father of our beloved children. We want to thank all of you for your support of both our marriage and our children over the years and for the prayers offered up for a miracle. We are not angry with one another and hope that none of you feel inclined to be angry either. However sad this is, it is what’s best for both of us and our children. We will both be ok and welcome support and well wishes on an individual basis (NOT PUBLIC FACEBOOK BLASTS please) but will not tolerate nay saying or character assassination of our former spouse. This is not an opportunity to “unfriend” the other as we are a united front on this decision. This will be a difficult and trying time for us both so any lingering ire shown to either of us from our friends that distracts our focus on our children and their best interest will be ignored and possibly blocked/deleted. Again thank you all for your support over the years and the continuation as we try and get settled into our new normal and move forward; no longer husband and wife, but co-parents and friends.



Love always,

Angela & Chip

02 August 2015

Rory and Patrick 18 Month Update!


I can no longer kid myself into thinking these two angels are babies. There is no denying the fact that our home (sigh) is baby free and Rory and Patrick are full fledge toddlers. What an amazing journey I have had so far as their Mama. And what joy they bring into not only our home and lives but spread out to where every they go. And along with their big brother, they are like three peas in an adorable pod. What blessings have been bestowed upon us in the form of sweet and adorable little boys!

Rory continues to have a very similar personality to our Elijah. As I look back at Elijah’s 18 month update, I remember that he often would stop mid-play and come over to give hugs and kisses to myself, his Daddy and whoever else was around. Rory does the exact same thing. It is like he needs a boost on his little love meter and will stop what he is doing, climb onto my lap and wrap his arms around me with a big squeeze, then go right back to what he was doing. I never feel more loved than in those kinds of precious moments.

Rory’s speech is so sweet. He has lots of words that he uses consistently but even more than that, both he and his twin will “parrot” anything they they hear. He calls Elijah “Aiya” which I love because my little brother, Mark, used to call me that when he was this age.  At this age, Elijah had more words but I don’t remember him repeating everything he heard in the way that they do. It is so interesting to see how the three boys have different combinations of similarities and differences. Here is a little anecdote about Rory’s speech and communication. Anyone that spends any time at our house knows that three kids but Rory ESPECIALLY is obsession with Despicable Me and the little yellow  minions I that movie. I have always felt that screen time should be used sparingly and with the purpose of education but as well intentioned as I am about that, there are times (some days more than others) when I just need to entertain them so I can get some things done. Especially when it is 105 degrees outside. And so Despicable me has become the family favorite along with Frozen. Well, Rory will quite along with the movie. It is one of the funniest things I have ever seen (though I am a little embarrassed that he has seen it enough times to be able to do this. And it is not the entire movie but there are several parts that he will say along with the characters. Cracks. Me. Up.

Rory is tipping the scales at 21 pounds 7.5 ounces. Not big by any means (in fact he is in the 8th percentile for weight) but he looks and feels like a chunker compared to tiny twin. Rory loves to climb. He LOVES to dance. In fact if music comes on in the car and it is a song he likes, he will nod his head to the beat. If he is in my lap and bops and sways and if he is standing, he will bust out a move. One of my favorite Rory moves and when he is standing and bends over to flat back and sticks his arms out straight behind him. He looks kind of like a chicken. That is sort of his signature dance move. This boy loves music. Well, really, all my boys love music. 

Some of Rory’s favorite things are nursing (yup still going strong!), dancing, playing outside with his big brother, baths and pools, Despicable Me, BEING NAKED!, coloring, apple sauce, bananas, hot dogs (nitrate free of course), scrambled eggs, and mama’s homemade gluten free bread. He also loves our daily smoothies.

He still does not like to get his diaper changed though he lets me know every time he has a dirty one.

Rory tends to still be pretty clingy at times though he has really been enjoying going to childcare when I go to church events. This is especially impressive because we are doing several different events at different churches and so there is not a whole lot of consistency.

Rory has caught up to Patrick’s sleeping skills. What blessing that has been. As long as Rory does not fall asleep in the car on the way home from somewhere and does not get tired too early, he will nap for 1 1/2 – 2 1/2 hours and sleep all the way through the night from about 6:30pm-6:30am. So while we had a bit of a rough season for a while, things with my toddler two are getting easier. I still, often times, feel like I know what it is like to be a teen idol. Sometimes I walk into the room and am bombarded with small people pawing at me with tears in the eyes. That must be what it is like to have groupies. Smile Yes, I just compared my toddler twins (and even my three year old at times) to groupies. Giggle. But you know what, I feel so loved by these guys. And even when I am in the midst of chaos and screaming which DOES HAPPEN, my heart is always grateful. And I don’t know what I did to deserve these precious beings.

Patrick is my very unique little boy. He stands out in our family as quiet and reserved. He is very deep thinker, still. That is something I saw in him even as a newborn and it has continued to manifest itself in his total being. He is similar to Elijah in that, my oldest, too had and continues to have a gentle element to his personality, especially when dealing with animals and smaller children. What is unique to Patrick is that this is the dominant element of his personality and he is like that with everyone. I believe empathy will be one of Patrick’s greatest strengths and spiritual gifts as he grows and matures. His soft and gentle voice is always so intention and just the tone of his speech and babble is soothing to the soul.

Like Rory, Patrick does A LOT of parroting. A LOT. But because he really seems to study people and absorb his environment, he has really blossomed in using his words in a conversational and social way. He ways thanks you appropriately and consistently. He gives kisses and says bye bye right when he sees someone get up to leave. He says please when offered something. He just longs to connect with people and wants to learn how to do that. He is also very funny. Elijah started this game with his brothers. It is basically fake sneezing and they all crack up. Where Patrick loves this game and initiates it often. They go “ah Ah AH CHOO!”. If you say Ah AH…Patrick will finish with a VERY ENTHUSIASTIC “CHOOOO!” It is also very realistic. I often think he really sneezed until he starts doing it repeatedly. So cute. So precious. So hilarious.

Because Elijah and Rory sort of team up, Patrick is often the lone wolf and I do sometimes get concerned that he might get left out a bit. But as I sit here typing this, I look out the window and see the three of the laughing and playing with one another in a small there man circle and it occurs to me that my deep thinker may prefer to have some time to himself to reflect. Oh, what must go on in that little mind of his. I cannot wait to sit with him over hot tea talking about what those thoughts are.

My tiny boy is now tipping the scales at 18 pounds 8 ounces. Barely on the chart at .1 percentile in weight and 8 percentile in height he is quite thin. But he eats well and is sharp minded with beautiful olive skin and I can’t help but think he just has that body type and it is the perfect body type for him just as each of my boys looks exactly as God intended! On our most recent doctor’s appointment two days ago, I did discuss Patrick’s weight with Dr. De Broeck and we agreed that we would keep a close eye on it. I actually have always weighed my boys regularly on my baby/toddler scale at home but I appreciate our doctor keeping an eye on it with me. He assured me that he was not at all worried but just because his weight gain is so slow it would be good to keep an eye on it and so we will go back in two months just for a quick weight check in.

Some of Patrick’s favorite things are peanut butter ( I give him spoonsful of it on days when I feel like he hasn’t had enough calories), vanilla coconut milk yogurt, scrambled eggs, apple sauce, nursing (yep going strong with Pfunk too!), being worn in our Kinderpack baby carrier, playing outside with brothers, Wrigley, the wooden piece of pretend toast that he is always chewing on and blueberries. Patrick, like his twin, does not like diapers changes.

Patrick continues to be a magnificent sleeper. He naps about three hours a day regularly….sometimes more. He goes to bed with Rory in their room at the same time and sleeps through the night for 12 hours. That is SUCH A BLESSING.

I still find it hard to believe we, as a family, have been doing this for eighteen months and yet, I cannot not imagine what life would have been like without them. The funny shenanigans that is our life as a family, the beautiful chaos, the laughter, the tears, the sweat……it is all rolled into this amazing package of three sweet boys that have been brothers for 18 months.

I managed to squeeze in their 18 month photos shoot today before church. I decided to put the twins in hand me down clothes of their Daddy which is always fun. I even did a little comparison collage of when Elijah had on those same outfits. Now granted there were a bit looser on Elijah when he wore them but check out the age difference. Our sweet Elijah was a big baby for the first 7 or 8 months of life!


Such sweet little boys. Look at baby Elijah. Sigh. Oh how I love that baby season of life.


This is all three boys at 18 months old. Side by side, I really see how Elijah is a perfect combination of his two brothers.


Patrick was not really into our standard photo shoot set up today.


…..so we moved it outside!


This is the Patrick smile that erupts when he is so excited that he laughs with his whole body. Sometimes it appears when someone walks into the room and sometimes it comes out of no where. There is no way you can’t experience this and not fall madly in love with this boy.


I see a glimpse of Patrick the man in this face.


Spotting something to investigate!


The he be but little he be fierce.


How you adoin’


Catch you later babe!


Love those precious round cheeks.




Sweet and jolly


He’s on the move!


Rory is “earthing”.


And there’s our Elijah! Big brother for 18 months!


Group shots of all three are harder this season of life with the twins.


Be still my heart…..

01 August 2015

The Big Latch On–Houston 2015


For the third year, we were counted and for the second year in a row we were counted as two, latching on my sweet twin sons.( Here is the blog post for our first and second year participating)  The Big Latch On in a world wide even during World Breastfeeding week every year. On this day, everyone around the world latches on together and is counted to help normalize society’s views on breastfeeding and show support to mama’s everyone in their breastfeeding journey and struggles. Every since my first baby’s first latch in the recovery room of Texas Woman’s Hospital that fateful night of April 26, 2012, I have fallen in love with the blessed act of nursing my child(ren). I have been blessed to amazing nursing relationships with all three of my children and the love and support from friends and family to accomplish all of my nursing goals that I have set and continue to set as my nursing journey continues with my eighteen month old twins. However, not all mamas are so blessed. There are women out there that struggle with supply, support and confidence all of which are important elements in achieving personal breastfeeding goals. I love this event because it is a way to share with the community this love and passion and to maybe help reach some people who need help or understanding. I love this event because it is an excuse to see some of my favorite and most supportive friends, many of whom my contact is limited to mostly social media and occasional texts because of our busy lives as stay at home and work at home Mamas. I love this event because I got to tandem nurse my twins in public. Let’s face it.  Nursing in public is one thing. I do all the time, uncovered and with no shame. But to tandem nurse, especially toddlers, you basically have to be topless and while I do consider myself a lactivist, tandem nursing anyone but the parks where I get my nursing photos done, is not really in my comfort zone. But at the Latch On, I get to (ahem) just whip ‘em out and nurse on! Heehee. So this event is amazing on so many levels and I hope that I have future opportunities to participate as a breastfeeding Mama!


Like tandem nursing, tandem baby wearing takes a lot of focus and concentration. Because I wanted to really focus on and enjoy the Natural Parenting Expo that hosted this year’s local latch on my sweet bestie, Mallory, agreed to come and wear one of my sweet boys in one of my Kinderpacks as well as take some photos……because we all know this must be documented.


I started the day wearing my sweet Rory in one of my other Kinderpacks.


Maureen is one of many friends I have met through our local natural birth community. She is definitely the friend with the best hair.


I met Abby when I asked her to be my birth photographer for my twin pregnancy. I can’t tell you how it lights up my day to see her with her own precious and highly anticipated baby, Rocco Supernova. yes, that is his real name and it is almost as awesome as he is.


A little pre-Latch On latching on.


My sweet boys love to give their mama kisses.


This picture looks a lot sweeter than the moment actually was. It is not all puppies and rainbows. Sometimes they claw at one another and me trying to get sole ownership of my boobs or just me in general. Come on guys, there are two of them and two of you.


My sweetheart babies.


Another awesome friend. I met her at my midwife’s birth stories night… when I was still in my first trimester. Andie just has this beautiful energy and I felt immediately connected to her.


Once the latch on got going, Patrick abandoned me and Rory finished things up for us.


Nurse all the babies!


We were counted!