02 August 2014

The Big Latch On 2014


Happy International Breastfeeding Week! In the U.S., it is observed for the whole month! The purpose of this recognition of breastfeeding is to raise awareness about the benefits of breastfeeding, breastfeeding mothers and their nurslings’ rights and show support to mama’s they may need a fellow nursing comrade to help them feel more comfortable nursing in public.  I shared my thoughts on this subject in my Lady Savant Blog Post, a website that I was recently asked to be a regular contributor.

To kick off the week, many cities around the world participate in the annual Big Latch On, where thousands of mothers nurse at the same time for one minute in an attempt to beat last year’s numbers and raise awareness. It is also a day of fun fellowship and in some cases an excuse for a fun mama/baby tradeshow! A good friend of mine, Kayla Dar, founder of Baby’s Breastie, organized an official Latch On location and mothering expo for the first time this year!  Elijah and I participated in 2012 and I have been counting down the months, weeks and days until I got to do it again. This time, I was able to double my contribution in numbers as both Rory and Patrick took part in this event.

It was an incredible day. My awesome mother in law came along for support, to help with the babies and be my personal photographer. (Hey you knew there would be pictures right?). My birth photographer had a nursing photo booth set up. Thanks for those amazing photos Abby and Bump 2 Baby Photography. My friend Erin was there with her own booth for her Doula business Mothering Nature. She not only specializes in pregnancy and labor doula services but post partum services as well! In fact, while at the expo, she and I talked about belly binding to help my diastasis recti and I have an appointment with her next week to get started! Blog post to follow!

It was an awesome day and I can’t wait until next year. I hope to still be nursing the twins and will be excited to participate once again!


The sponsers of this year’s expo!


A photo with my sweet friend, Kayla. We are such kindred spirits! I followed her blog for two years before we became friends. I was totally Crunchy Mama star struck when I first met her.


Grandmother stealing a sweet moment with the littlest Parish


Chewy Mommy Necklaces was a vendor there and Grandmother purchased a teething necklace for her grandchildren to enjoy.


My sweet birth photographer, Abby, grabbed the camera so we could get a photo of all four of us together.

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Photo booth shot of Patrick nursing

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I just love her background. So talented!

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Rory enjoying his appetizers before the latch on.

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Love these moments captured


Getting ready to break records!


So many friendly faces…both familiar and new!


My babies were ready to eat!



Thank you Kayla for organizing a great even and working so hard to bring all these Mama’s together!

1 comment:

  1. I was there! I was there! A huge thank you to Kayla for organizing the event! Also, WAY TO GO for breastfeeding twins. :) I admire moms of multiples who breastfeed! What a journey, I'm sure!
