04 March 2014

Elijah Update and Big Brotherhood


It has been a while since I shared about our Elijah and so much has happened for him!

Not only does he seem to be growing by leaps and bounds (though this impression could have a little to do with our tiny new arrivals) his skill levels have EXPLODED! Let’s start with language. Every day Elijah expresses himself using words that I had no idea that he knew. His comprehension is close to perfect and even the words that he has used for a long time are becoming more fine tuned an enunciated. For example water used to be “wat” and is now actually two syllables as “water”. He is able to distinguish between raspberries, strawberries and blackberries (some of his favorite foods!) and he continues to follow directions so well! Elijah can count up to six perfectly and then gets to ten with a little confusion but is improving with practice. He can identify all basic colors consistently and uses colors when asked to describe objects (like Daddy’s big truck!). He is starting to sing along to parts of songs which I LOVE! He has always enjoyed (and had a knack for) music and it is fun to see this part of his development. We are thinking of getting our family a karaoke machine for Christmas next year as something to enjoy together and also thinking that might be a neat tool to help Elijah learn how to read.

Elijah still takes swim class and Gymboree. Swim is going “swimingly” and he is learning lots of new skills with a fabulous new teacher that took over. He enjoys the parent/child class with his Daddy and Elijah is great at going under water and kicking! He is working on being comfortable on his back. The teacher suggested goggles would help him further develop his skills so we are taking him to pick some out this week.  Elijah moved up to level five Gymboree class a little over a month ago. I was able to take him a couple times to that level class  before the babies came and since then he has gone with his Daddy and others that have come over to help. This level is a lot different than the previous four as it has a lot more structure. Elijah, who has always done really well with sharing is learning and doing very well with the concept of taking turns and following directions. He loves his teachers and really enjoys all the activities!

One of Elijah’s coolest “skills” is his ability to pretend. It is so much fun to watch him play make believe. I watched in awe as he pretended to cook soup with Mimi in the little kitchen in his playhouse outside using a bucket for a bowl, stirring with a sand shovel and using sticks as his ingredients. He will pretend to talk on the phone to his Pop and Daddy. I often overhear him playing with his Noah’s ark and making the noises for the animals. Such a cool, creative kid!

Elijah’s latest favorites include his brothers (more on that in a bit!), playing outside, berries (any kind!), bananas, Wrigley, Daddy coming home, cuddling with Mommy, facetime with Granmumsy and Pop,  popcorn (a yummy central market brand with olive oil and herbs!), his new tricycle, coloring and cars. He does not like being told no (he’s almost two after all), when Grandmother leaves our house or when it is too cold to go outside.

Elijah is an AMAZING big brother! He always says “Hi Rory, Hi Atrick” when he comes into a room with them or just because. He loves to hug them and does this unprompted and is a super big helper! I have seen no jealousy in him at all. He does have whiney moments typical of a 22 month old. When I was gone for a week and when we had helpers come and stay with us and take over his care for a couple of weeks, we did see him act out a bit. Just tantrums that would last a little longer than his typical minute or two. Since we have worked our way into our new normal, this has ceased and is back to his old self. But still he shows nothing but adoration for his little brothers. I look forward to seeing how much he teaches them and the fun things he will do with them as the three of them grow up together!


Pretending to chat on the phone.


Elijah has always had eyelashes that would make any girl jealous!


Some coloring time with Mimi


Hard at work making soup!

Sweet kisses for Mommy


Being silly with Aunt Virginia


Holding his little brother Rory for the first time.


Fun chasing Pop in our Hotel room near TCH


Sweet smile


Holding his brother’s hand


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