26 June 2013

Elijah is 14 Months Old!

This has been a crazy month. Elijah's sense of adventure has taken a whole new level! He is still the happy, smiling, outgoing and affectionate little boy he has always been. If this is a glimpse of the man he will become, we have nothing to worry about!  He LOVES to climb. We have a group of trees in the backyard that are three trunks together and he loves to climb into the center of them. His first tree climbing experience and he is already a pro.....at getting up. Getting down is another story. He has also managed to climb onto our counter height kitchen chairs unassisted. And he is now climbing into the ottoman where we keep his stuffed animals. And although is is extremely adventurous and CONFIDENT (There's nothing he doesn't think he can do!), he is very careful and deliberate with his moves which is just so precious to watch. And it also makes me a little less nervous.

We have had some extra challenges on our home this month. I was pretty sick for a few weeks and put on bed rest so Grandmother (Parish) came to take care of our family.  We are so grateful! And I was so impressed with how adaptable Elijah was to this new normal.  He happily went about his day with Grandmother and was happy coming upstairs several times a day to visit Mama in bed. My thoughtful mother in law but dog stairs by the bed so Elijah could climb up with me whenever he wanted. It was so hard to not be with him all day. Elijah and I are definitely a good example of "Attachment Parenting". We are very "attached"! But he proved to be his easy going self and went about his days, business as usual.

Although he likes to exert his independence, Elijah is excellent at following direction. I do believe he wants to be good, even though is sometimes hard to listen to Mama when you are just one. He loves helping me empty the dishwasher and the laundry basket. He literally will hand my items one at a time. And most of the time he listens when told he may not do something.

He has graduated (two months early) to level 4 at Gymboree and will begin his second session of level 2 (the highest there is) of parent/child swim class in a couple of weeks. We took two months off and are excited to get him back in the water, where he loves to be.

As the temperature is getting hotter, Elijah does not seem to notice. He still loves to be outside. In fact, as I type this, I am sitting outside in 97 degrees dying of heat as he plays nonchalantly with the dogs, not seeming to notice the scorching temperature.

His verbal skills continue to blossom. His vocabulary is growing but sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between words because he seems to say just the first couple sounds. He definitely knows what he means and I can hear slight differences in things like ball and baby, both which sound like ba but with a slightly different "a" sound. His favorite food right now are legumes.....any kind of bean, and peas. He also LOVES scrambled eggs and his daily smoothie.

It is just such an honor and pleasure to be his mother and watch this amazing little boy develop and grow. He impresses me every day and I glow with pride.  I love watching the funny faces he makes, some silly and some so serious, like he is thinking really hard. I can't wait to hear what is on his mind as his verbal skills continue to develop. I have a feeling we are in for some really funny and sweet Elijahisms.

"Peekaboo Mama"

He found his only little hiding spot

Such an advenurer

"Come get me!"
"Just hanging with my peeps"

"Hey Wrigley, wanna join me?"
He loves his little lamb. 

He loves riding on his turtle from Aunt Shirley and Uncle Paul!

Such a curious boy, watching the big machines tear up the street at Granmumsy and Pop's house. 

That's my sweet boy. 
Making a new friend. 

Such a sweetheart!

Here is a video we gook of his fork eating skills. :)

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