09 August 2018

Tony's Birthday Card From The Boys

Such a sweet representation of the past over year and a half of the boys life with their Tony. We are so blessed to have him in our lives. He is an amazing leader for our team. He teaches them patience, kindness, and personal expression through art and activity.  We love him more than we can put into words.

07 May 2018

Spring Family Photos with Bluebonnets

We managed to get our yearly bluebonnets pictures done though this year it was a bit later than normal. Still, we were able to find some and really enjoyed the location our fabulous photographer, April Sanchez (Taylor Morgan Photography) chose for our photo shoot. April perfectly captured our family and throughout this photo shoot, I felt so connected to these four guys that I love so deeply. It was one of the most fun and relaxed photo shoots I have ever had. I loved watching my little boys run around and have fun as April captured sweet moments. I loved gazing into Tony's eyes, every second was a genuine expression of my love and adoration of him. This day and our love of our family was so perfectly captured and I am grateful for every beautiful photo. 

There are so many fabulous photos. In fact, I love every single one but I will share "just a few" (wink) of my favorites!

This was the first pictures we took. Seconds later Patrick stepped in a hole in the ground to his left. SO we had a little hold up while Tony comforted him. Rory was happy to jump in for some solo shots though!

 Such big smiles and laughs out of this little boy
 Love those big blue eyes
Typical Rory look. Love this boy with a huge personality. 

 The tiniest boy with the giant heart!
 Full of laughter and smiles
 Patrick will always be "my Tiny" 

 This sweet boy right here is going to be a world changer. He talks about helping people and animals and even "rescues" bugs from our pool. 
 Our Elijah has a heart of gold and is just a happy sweet boy. 
 I just cannot believe how big he is getting. Where did my baby go?!
God knew what he was doing when He made him my "first". 

 Our three musketeers! 
 Love these boys to the moon. 
Perfect capture of brotherly love. 

 Happily Five
 Loved every minute of this day. But was surprised when I realized how much I adore looking in his eyes even when someone is watching
Kissing and laughter....nothing like it
This man has my heart

 Such a cute idea for a shot from April!
 THIS is our favorite. Will definitely be the one for the fireplace. 
Love this man more ways than I can count!
 Traditionally our bluebonnet photo shoot has always served as Elijah's birthday photos since they fall around the same time. 
 His first bluebonnet pics were when he was in Mama's belly!
 CANNOT believe my first baby was about to turn six!

 My sweet Roar!
 No one loves their Mama like this boy does
 He is happiest when he is outside in nature. 
 And here's my Tiny PJ!
He will always be "My Tiny" 
 This little boy has amazed me since the beginning!
 Three of the funniest people I have ever met!
 Seriously love my family
 This is us.
Meant to be. 
 The pictures April took of Tony and me felt so special. I can't believe how much I love this man!
 Swoon. Every. Single. Day. 
 My other favorite photographer, Monique Foreman, began this tradition of the walk away picture with the boys and me and I love it. I was excited for us to include Tony is this year's. Super special. 
 He always makes me laugh. 
 Such little frolickers 

 He pretty much holds our world together. 

21 April 2018

Elijah's Sixth Birthday Party

When I asked Elijah what kind of birthday party he wanted this year, he told me a pool party. It is the first of the kids birthdays we have had in this house where that is possible so we excitedly brainstormed ideas of themes that would go with a pool party and while I suggested pirates and a number of other options, he fell in love with the idea of a Luau. 

Thank you April of Taylor Morgan Photography for coming out and taking our party pictures! 

We had a blast planning and preparing the food and decorations for this six year old extravaganza!

 I was so nervous about making the volcano cake...
 But it actually turned out really cool!
 We had lots of yummy Hawaiian treats to choose from! Tony was busy on the grill making BBQ pork for sandwiches and bacon wrapped pineapple! 
 We had a cute backdrop set up for pictures
 Handsome guy at the BBQ
 The bacon wrapped pineapple was SO YUMMY!
 All set up for the party!
Such a yummy feast!

 Birthday boy all set to party
 Forecast was for rain but thankfully it held off most of the day!
 Lots of friends dipping their feet in our pool!
 Our sweet six year old boy!
 Mama kisses for my main squeeze from his Mama!
 Tony, as always, put in more than his fair share of work for this party. Love you, baby! Could not have done it without you!
 My monkey doing some monkey crawling
 Warming Rory up with some Hawaiian spins!
 Sweet little Rory o mine. 
 The birthday boy. Six years old. CANNOT believe it~
 Elijah and his cousins (Auntie Heather's sweet littles) 
 Birthday boy ready to blow out some birthday candles!
 We loved watching this group have such a nice time at our home. 

 Get the ball, Elijah!
 We had some serious water gun action going on!
 I think PJ was trying to drink the pool. 

 Waterguns, waterguns, everywhere. 
 Me with Tony's sister 
 How many hula girls does it take to cut a cake?
 He's been working out. 
 SO handsome. 
 My inflatable pet flamingo, Fiona, was a huge hit. 

"The Moms"

 Present time!
 My bestie, Sister and favorite gal in the world and her mini me. 
 Tony gave Elijah his first highly anticipated baseball glove! 
 Elijah was so overjoyed he ran over and hugged his Poppa Tony. 

 Happy Birthday to the little boy that named me Mama. You are the sweetest, kindest, gentlest soul I know.  You make the world a better place already. We loved getting you to enjoy your special day with your friends and their families. I hope the day was a wonderful for you as it was for us. Happy Birthday, Elijah.